Syncing between Mac and Windows vaults via Dropbox has to be done manually, can't empty trash on Win

More or less what's in the title. I upgraded to 1pass 6 a while back but haven't gotten around to addressing these issues, though they've existed since I first upgraded. I've read some of the pages on making sure dropbox is syncing properly etc. and it definitely is, though I need to manually sync the dropbox vault in the windows 1password client in order to get it to work.

Additionally, I can't delete my trash on the windows client, which may be related to the vault not syncing (almost like because it's not up to date it doesn't believe I have admin access or permission or something).

Finally, the 1password browser extension (only windows/chrome - works fine on mac/chrome) doesn't save or prompt me to save new password info ever, even though the option is ticked in the windows client.

As I said, I've lived with these for a while, so it's not a massive deal, but if I can fix them it'd be much appreciated.


1Password Version: 6.5.401d Windows, 6.6.4 (664001) Mac
Extension Version: both Windows/Mac
OS Version: OS X 10.12.4 / Windows 10
Sync Type: Dropbox


  • Greg
    1Password Alumni

    Hello @dwhite1313,

    Thank you for reaching out! :+1:

    1Password 6 for Windows is focused on our 1Password accounts and does not support local vaults at the moment. That is why, if you are using one, 1Password app does not sync this vault and 1Password extension does not prompt you to save new logins. If you are planning to use 1Password on both Windows and Mac, I would recommend you to sign up for 1Password account and then move all of your data to Personal vault. 1Password accounts is the best way to use 1Password right now and it has lots of advantages over local vaults. You can learn more about them on our website.

    As for Trash in 1Password 6 for Windows, we are aware of this issue and have plans to fix it in one of the future updates. I am sorry for this inconvenience.

    Please let me know if you have any questions about 1Password accounts, I will be happy to help. Thanks!


  • dwhite1313
    Community Member
    edited April 2017

    Thanks for responding @Greg.

    Are there plans to support previously supported platforms in the future? Slightly disappointing if not.

    Also, with the Windows version of the Chrome extension, is it not asking to save info because it's dropbox? Because that would be a larger issue. Or is it just a bug I'm dealing with?


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @dwhite1313: Indeed, local vaults are read-only (so they can be imported from), so we don't want 1Password offering to save data and then not following through on that. Right now we're focused on building the new app, so support for local vaults isn't something we're working on right now. You can always continue using local vaults with 1Password 4 since you have a license for that, or you can use a membership with 1Password 6.

  • dwhite1313
    Community Member

    @brenty Ah thanks for the response, I hadn't considered going back to 4 since I migrated off it. Manually syncing isn't the biggest deal, but I thought I'd get all my ducks in a row re: 1pass so it came up. Honestly the biggest issue I have is the chrome extension on windows not offering to save new login data.

  • Hi @dwhite1313,

    On behalf of Brenty, you're welcome. Unfortunately, there is only one option available right now for local vaults on Windows, 1Password 4. Anything that involves writing, such as saving, emptying trash, generating a new password, etc, it will not work in 1Password 6 because it needs a writable vault.

    We'd like to add local vaults support to 1Password 6 in the future but we don't have a timeframe on it.

    Just to be absolutely clear, 1Password 6 does not support local vaults in any way. The manual sync options were for migrating your local vaults into account without having to install the Dropbox client first. We've gotten rid of this because people thought this meant local vaults were supported but it wasn't. We're going to be a bit more aggressive to clarify that 1Password 6 should not be used full time with local vaults when it doesn't have all of the data such as attachments and doesn't support specific old formats.

This discussion has been closed.