Reset iPassword but it won't let me set a new Master Password



I reset the app (twice) and I seem to be in the app but there is a log-in screen and I can't log in. There does not seem to be any way to set a new master password.

The instructions say that after resetting it will be as if you are running the app for the first time. OK but I do not remember how I set the MP in the first place and see no way to do so.

Thank you.


  • MikeT

    Hi @asker,

    Thanks for writing in. You cannot reset your master password without knowing the original password, there is no way to recover it. The guide you've mentioned is about creating a new local vault so that you can start over with a new password.

    This isn't possible with the account. You'd have to request for the account to be deleted and create a new account.

    Are you using account in 1Password 6 or a local vault in 1Password 4?

  • asker
    Community Member

    It is 1Password 6. I have requested the account be deleted and I will try again. I am brand new to 1Password. Serious business to forget the MP!

  • Greg
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @asker,

    I am sorry about this situation! I see that we have already replied to your email, so please check your inbox. I would also recommend to print out your Emergency Kit, write the Master Password in the space provided, and keep it somewhere safe and secure. This way you won't get locked out of your new 1Password Account. :)

    If there is anything else we can help you with, please let us know. Thanks!


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