Chrome extension fails regularly with 1Password 4 on Windows 7


I've been using 1Password for many years on both Windows and Mac. In the last year I've seen the Google Chrome extension quality deteriorate dramatically. I have many tabs open and a few windows across my desktop and often when I try use the 1Password 4 extension I eventually get a new tab trying to establish communication with 1Password 4. I then have to open 1Password manually and restart the helper. A few minutes later the extension can communicate with 1Password again and life can continue.

Unfortunately the issue is not always reproducible and the workaround is annoying as I expect 1Password 4 to be a stable product by now.

1Password Version:
Extension Version:
OS Version: Windows 7 SP1
Sync Type: Dropbox
Referrer: forum-search:Chrome extension fails regularly with 1Password 4 on Windows 7


  • CraigN
    Community Member

    Support ID is [#PXB-24483-474].

  • Greg
    1Password Alumni
    edited September 2017

    Hello @craig,

    Thank you for reporting this! I am sorry for the troubles with 1Password 4.

    It sounds like something is blocking the connection between 1Password extension and 1Password app on your Windows PC. Do you have any software in mind that could do that? Please let us know. In the meantime we will take a closer look at the report you've sent us and get back to you via email. Thank you once again! :+1:


    ref: PXB-24483-474

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