https prefix autofilled for web address but site is not https compatible


Trying to save login/pw info for admin login of website that is not https compatible. However, when I fill in the "" in the web address field and save it, iPassword auto converts the web address to "" and the login then fails with a "Your connection is not private" message page. Attempts to edit the web address in iPassword fail because upon edit, the "https://" portion of the address does not present in the edit window.

1Password Version: windows pc
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Windows 10
Sync Type: n/a
Referrer: forum-search:https


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @languageconnective: It sounds like you're creating this login by hand in the main 1Password app. Often it's better to save it using the browser extension, since that will capture not only the correct URL, but also additional information about the form that can help it fill.

    For security reasons, 1Password will default to HTTPS:// if no protocol is specified. But you can edit the item to add HTTP:// instead. I hope this helps. Be sure to let me know if you have any other questions! :)

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