TOTP on windows laptop


Thanks to Ben, Frank and Laura I was able to finally get an account working. I have never used a password manager before, and there is much I have no clue about.

My particular need for 1PW is to use TOTP for an account/site that is pressuring me to use it.

The 1PW instructions call for editing the particular login, and clicking on an ellipsis (...) that seems to next to an entry labeled "section". This supposed to allow me to enter the QR code from the account/site requiring TOTP. (I will have to enter manually as I do not have a smart-phone type device).

On my login entries, this "section" line is blank, and I have no idea what it is/means/or how it gets filled in ( it IS filled in, in the dropbox example in the 1PW instructions.)

So I see no way to proceed. Does anyone know what I need to do here? I have not gotten an answer yet from Support. I'm hoping I don't have to wait all weekend.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @CarolS: First of all, welcome to the forums, and thanks for taking the leap into 1Password! :)

    The "Section" you're referring to is, I believe, just the placeholder text where you can add custom information when editing an item. You can ignore that completely, or, if you want to create a section to organize some additional info to the item you've created, just start typing there. It's just a way to customize the item.

    More to the point, if you click where it says "new field" below that, you can paste the TOTP secret for the login there. Once you've entered text into a new field, you'll see a ... over to the right. Click that to specify the type of field you want it to be — in this case, "one-time password".

    I hope this helps. I'll also reply via email in case you have any other questions! :)

    ref: FVK-19234-137

  • CarolS
    Community Member

    Thanks brenty, that worked! (on dropbox) There was nothing in the example instruction re: "new field" - maybe when scanning that does not come up.

    I tried the process on the critical site I need TOTP for, and it does not translate the QR code, so I can't enter it manually. It's weird, because they recommended 1password for customers who don't have a smart phone.....I am waiting for their support to respond. Unless you happen to know of a way that I can, on my own, translate that scannable code into characters?...
    Thanks again.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni
    edited June 2017

    Thanks brenty, that worked! (on dropbox) There was nothing in the example instruction re: "new field" - maybe when scanning that does not come up.

    @CarolS: Great! Yeah, it can be a bit confusing too, since all sites work a bit differently...

    I tried the process on the critical site I need TOTP for, and it does not translate the QR code, so I can't enter it manually. It's weird, because they recommended 1password for customers who don't have a smart phone.....I am waiting for their support to respond. Unless you happen to know of a way that I can, on my own, translate that scannable code into characters?...

    There are definitely ways to "convert" a QR code to a text string, but the ones I know of are mostly web apps...and I would not recommend sending your TOTP secret to a random website.

    However, there's another trick you can use. When you create the new field and select the "one-time password" type on the right, just to the left of that will be a little QR code icon. In your browser, right-click the QR code image and either copy it to the clipboard or save it. Then click the QR code icon in 1Password and select the appropriate option to import the QR code. Let me know if that helps!

    ref: OPW6-1210

  • CarolS
    Community Member

    Hi brenty,
    Wow, I was actually able to get it working.

    However, I don't think I used your exact method above. I realized that my site had given me a code in writing, but I thought it was separate from the QR code (for one think it didn't have the same number of characters as the QR code from dropbox, ).

    When I tried to follow your instructions, the problem I had was that until I filled in the "field" box, there was QR code icon I could see, and of course no ellipsis (...) on the right. When I used that "other" code they gave me in the field, it worked, so ....happy camper.
    Thanks again,

  • CarolS
    Community Member

    I meant to say "there was NO QR code icon I could see".

  • Greg
    1Password Alumni

    Hello @CarolS,

    Great news! :+1: We are glad to hear you figured it out.
    If you ever bump into this issue with another website, please feel free to contact us again, we will take a closer look. :) Thank you!

    Enjoy 1Password and have a wonderful week!


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    Hi brenty, Wow, I was actually able to get it working.

    @CarolS: Awesome! Thanks for the update. :chuffed:

    However, I don't think I used your exact method above. I realized that my site had given me a code in writing, but I thought it was separate from the QR code (for one think it didn't have the same number of characters as the QR code from dropbox, ).

    Indeed, the hardest part is that sites all present this very differently. It often isn't obvious how to find this information, and they don't always offer both QR code and the TOTP "secret" in text.

    When I tried to follow your instructions, the problem I had was that until I filled in the "field" box, there was QR code icon I could see, and of course no ellipsis (...) on the right. When I used that "other" code they gave me in the field, it worked, so ....happy camper.
    I meant to say "there was NO QR code icon I could see".

    I'm sorry. It would have been better for me to include a screenshot. In case it helps in the future:

    Cheers! :)

  • CarolS
    Community Member

    Thanks to brenty and Greg! The screenshot is very helpful. I see that you can enter anything in the new field just to get the scan icon...will save that info!

  • Greg
    1Password Alumni

    @CarolS: We are always happy to help! :+1:

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