1Password Mini Navigation

Community Member
edited April 2023 in 1Password 7 for Windows

I've been using the Windows beta for a while, and one thing I noticed is that there is functionality in the 1Password Mini on the Mac that isn't available on Windows--namely, that you can't drill down into the details of a login from the Mini window using the arrow-keys--you have to open the actual application to get to that stuff. This hampers my workflow, considering that some sites I have a wealth of information that I just want to get into and copy/paste through 1Password Mini (as I do on the Mac) that I now can't do on Windows. I'm sure that this is planned on being implemented, but I figured this might be a good thing to bring up in a forum post.

Also, just from a usability standpoint while I'm on the topic: is there a way to copy JUST the username or password from 1Password Mini as it is now by using a keyboard shortcut? For example, I'm highlighting an item; since I can't drill down into the details, I'd just like to copy the password--any way to do that?

1Password Version: 6.6.439d
Extension Version:
OS Version: Windows 10 v1607
Sync Type: 1Password
Referrer: forum-search:1Password Mini Navigation


  • Hi @jm.torres92,

    Thanks for writing in.

    Right-click (or use Shift + F10) on the item in 1Password mini to copy any of its fields, including username/password.

    The ability to drill down into the item's details view and the ability to edit are something we do plan to implement in a future update.

  • jm.torres92
    Community Member

    Hey @MikeT ,

    Right-click (or use Shift + F10) on the item in 1Password mini to copy any of its fields, including username/password.

    Is there no way to directly just copy the username/password field without having to open this menu? I know that it exists, but it's less than ideal. Most of the time I just want to copy a password or something, but I understand if that's just too small of a request.

    The ability to drill down into the item's details view and the ability to edit are something we do plan to implement in a future update.

    Great to hear! Looking forward to it.

  • Hi @jm.torres92,

    Is there no way to directly just copy the username/password field without having to open this menu?

    Not at the moment, there are weird glitches with processing shortcuts in the mini window type we're using. Once we fix this, we'll look into adding more shortcuts.

  • By the way, is there a specific reason you need to copy/paste instead of asking 1Password to fill your data in?

  • jm.torres92
    Community Member

    @MikeT There are some intranet login fields that I have to log into at work that don't auto-fill properly (and require IE to work, which is configured to not allow me to install browser extensions). I have 1Password installed and can search through 1Password mini itself, so it'd be easier to just copy/paste a password from there.

    Normally I'd solve this by just not using the site at all if it required IE, but since it's for work I can't help it :)

  • MikeT
    edited June 2017

    Hi @jm.torres92,

    Thanks for the details and in that case, bringing AutoType to 1Password 6 will help with that as well.

This discussion has been closed.