Uploading documents
After I upload a Microsoft Word document with 1Password 6 for Windows it doesn't show up anywhere in 1 Password. I also tried through the web interface and had the same issue. I have a personal account. Is this feature supported?
I was able to upload a PDF and access it so maybe it's just an issue with Word docs?
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@xjustintime: Is it all Word documents, or just one specific one? 1Password doesn't process them other to upload the file to the server, so I can't think of why the file type would matter. please try restarting Windows, and then reproduce the same issue and tell me the exact steps you're taking when you encounter this problem. Thanks in advance!
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It worked! I'm not sure what I was doing wrong. I'm pretty sure I had tried again this morning after restarting my computer with a test document. Anyway, thanks for your help!
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Likewise, thanks for following up. Glad to hear all is well! We're here if you need anything else. :)