1Password 6 support for local vaults - months or years?



  • @lbeazley: As we recently announced, 1Password 7 will include support for standalone vaults so any enhancements would likely come along with 1Password 7 rather than as updates to 1Password 4. We're still early on in the development process, so we don't have many details to share just yet, but I hope we'll have a chance to share a bit more as we get closer to release. :chuffed:

  • 4jb
    Community Member
    edited September 2017

    Light at the end of the tunnel... That's good to hear!

    I did find this blog post mentioning these improvements: https://blog.agilebits.com/2017/08/01/1password-6-7-for-windows-a-feature-buffet/

    When can we realistically expect to see something publicly available even if in beta form? Is there any other blog topics or forum posts that we should be following to keep up to date on the progress for 1Password 7?

  • Hi @4jb,

    Thanks for writing in.

    We wouldn't announce something like that if it was going to be far out like a year or more but we don't have any specific timeframe, it can change daily. You can stay tuned to our blog and/or twitter account for the beta announcements of 1Password 7 when it is ready. On that blog post you've linked, there's a category called 1Password for Windows, all announcements would be in that category. (https://blog.agilebits.com/category/1password/1password-windows/)

    We're working hard to finishing up the next major update, 1Password 6.8 and polishing up our Microsoft Edge support, while also working on local vaults that will go into 1Password 7. Yea, we have a lot of projects happening at the same time, it's going to be an interesting time ahead.

  • karimm
    Community Member

    Dear Developers,
    it is one year+ after last post in this topic.
    Do you you have any good neews about local vaults?

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @karimm: 1Password 7 supports local vaults. It was released in the spring of this year:

    1Password 7 for Windows: The Best Ever

    Cheers! :)

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