Unable to bypass warning for autologin


Hi there. Often when I try to log into webpages using the ctrl + / browser shortcut, I get the following warning, which prevents auto-login. Is there any way to bypass this warning and proceed with auto-login? Thanks!

Screenshot: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B1zOsYqDTSHjbFpGYVdiWDQwM0E

1Password Version:
Extension Version: (Google Chrome)
OS Version: Windows 10
Sync Type: Dropbox


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @parekh: You'll get this warning if you have a login saved for a secure (https://) page but are trying to fill it on an insecure (http://) one. If you click "Cancel", 1Password will not fill your credentials into the insecure page. If you click "Okay", 1Password will try to open the URL you have saved in the login. You can always use the URL saved in the login itself to have 1Password open and fill it for you. If you're still having trouble, knowing the URL will be helpful. Thanks in advance!

  • parekh
    Community Member

    @brenty : Thank you. I understand that there are currently two options:

    1. OK
    2. Cancel

    However, I wish there were instead three options:

    1. OK
    2. Cancel
    3. Ignore warning

    Wherein option #3 would submit the secure login to the insecure page. Am I correct in assuming that my desired functionality is not possible?

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @parekh: Correct.

    We had this exact same discussion internally, and though I can't recall for certain I think I may have advocated for the same thing at first...until someone brought up a very important point I'm about to share with you:

    If the login has an https:// URL saved, that means that there is a secure login form.

    So while I know that some websites even today do not have secure login forms (and therefore unavoidable in those cases), 1Password should never facilitate filling into an insecure page when a secure one exists — and 1Password knows it's location.

    You're welcome to edit your login item to add the URL for the insecure (http://) page, but that's not something we'd recommend or that 1Password should do for you.

  • parekh
    Community Member

    OK. Makes sense. Thank you! :)

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    You're welcome! We're here if you have any other questions. :chuffed:

This discussion has been closed.