1Password 4 no longer works on Windows XP? [XP is not supported]

Community Member
edited July 2017 in 1Password 4 for Windows

Since the recent update to 1Password 4, it seems it no longer runs on Windows XP. It's possible WinXP is no longer supported in which case that's fine, but I thought I'd check it was intentional. I get the attached error when the machine boots.

1Password Version:
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Windows XP SP3
Sync Type: Dropbox


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @archifishal: Thanks for reaching out. I’m sorry for the trouble! I'm able to reproduce this here as well on the Windows XP VM I keep around for all of my old PC games (don't judge me). We're looking into this.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @archifishal: I just wanted to update you on this. Since the move to Native Messaging, we're relying on more recent technologies that just aren't supported by Windows XP. Hence, the "GetNamedPipeClientProcessId" cannot be called there, giving you this error. I'm really sorry we didn't take this into account and handle this more gracefully. We'll see if we can find a way to avoid that.

    That said, if you weren't already having issues with browser integration there, you likely will down the road anyway as we make further changes to support newer releases of Firefox and Chrome. Windows XP was EOL'd by Microsoft more than 3 years ago, and the browsers are no longer offering updates there either. Regardless of anything else, you may be able to get by using 1Password, but ultimately we'd really recommend upgrading to Windows 7 or 10, since both are still receiving critical fixes and browser support. But again, this issue is on us, and I apologize that we failed to anticipate it. :(

    ref: OPW-623

  • archifishal
    Community Member

    @brenty Yeah, I haven't found a good solution yet - I'm running 1Password 6 / cloud generally on my main PC and at work, but I've still got my old netbook which can't be updated to Windows 7 or 10 :) (and I can't think of a way to sensibly keep 1Password 4 in sync with the cloud stuff, only with Dropbox so it's a nuisance to keep in sync anyway). Maybe I should bite the bullet and buy a new netbook/laptop thing :)

  • MikeT
    edited July 2017

    Hi @archifishal,

    1Password 4 has never officially supported Windows XP since its first release back in 2014, the minimal requirement is Windows 7. We didn't intentionally disallow it to run on Windows XP because Windows tend to have great backward compatibility but eventually we have to start using newer technologies that only works from Windows 7 and above, in this case Native Messaging. We'll look into presenting an error that 1Password 4 does not run on Windows XP or disable Native Messaging support in there.

    You can keep using the older version but even running 1Password on Windows XP is very risky because of various security issues with XP itself.

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