About how password info is displayed

I am new to 1Password - just puzzled that my original log-in details saved with Firefox extension do not display in the 1Password Login details, the original password is replaced by a new password?
Does this mean that the original password has been changed?
How do I see original user name & password?

1Password Version: 6 Trial
Extension Version: Firefox
OS Version: W10
Sync Type: Not sorted yet



  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni
    edited August 2017

    @Colin_Foster: If you've saved login credentials with Firefox's built-in password manager, 1Password will not know about these unless you save them in 1Password:

    Use the 1Password extension to save and fill passwords on your Mac or Windows PC

    Similarly, if you change a password for a login in 1Password, you'll also need to do on the website itself, so both are on the same page:

    Change your passwords and make them stronger

    And finally, when you update a login item in 1Password with a new password, the old one will be saved in "previously used passwords" in its details. I hope this helps. Be sure to let me know if you have any other questions! :)

  • Colin_Foster
    Community Member

    Thanks that is helpful but I am still struggling:-
    I am trying to save my current login details in 1Password so I can refer to them in future & also have the login saved in Firefox built-in password manager, but whatever I do my original password is replaced by a set of random characters?
    As suggested I have tried to enter my original password in a 1Password login created by Firefox, replacing the random characters displayed with my original password but this is not retained but replaced by another set of random characters- so how do I save my actual login password in a 1Password login record either created directly in 1Password or by Firefox?
    Also - take my Santander login which has 3 elements - Personal ID /Passcode/Registration Number - I cannot see 3 fields in 1Password login record to enter these details? Do I just have to use the notes field to save this info?

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni
    edited August 2017

    @Colin_Foster: Thanks for the specific example!It sounds like you're doing things the hard way. And while I definitely appreciate your diligence, 1Password can make this much easier for you:

    1. Navigate to the website
    2. Enter your login credentials
    3. Click the 'keyhole' icon to bring up the extension
    4. Click the 'gear' icon for Settings
    5. Click Save New Login
    6. Give it a name and Save
    7. Close the webpage and select your new login from the extension to have 1Password Go & Fill
    8. Submit the form manually if you have autosubmit disabled

    Saving a login like this with the 1Password browser extension instead of creating login items by hand in the app is not only much less work, it also allows 1Password to learn about the login form you want it to fill so it can do so later. Let me know if that helps! :)

  • Colin_Foster
    Community Member

    Thanks for the response.
    I am up to speed with the functions you mention & they work well & I shall use them if I subscribe.
    I am still trying to find a way to also use 1Password to keep a record of my login details in case I need to know them at some time.
    If I use 1Password as you are suggesting the saved password is never exhibited again, the password field in Logins is a set of random characters, not the original password I have registered, why is this please?
    As I see it 1Password takes over the passwords registered & assumes you will not need them again as 1Password has saved them & will use them for one in future?
    So I am thinking that I might as well change my current passwords & use 1Password to create new passwords that are more secure than my current ones & forget trying to remember the passwords?
    My concern with this is that if ever I am in the situation that a device with 1Password loaded is not available to me & I want to log into say my bank on another device I will not be able to as I will not know the password, so I will have to go through the process of changing the password in order to logon.
    Or could I access web sites saved in 1Password by opening 1Password in a Browser, without the 1Password App being loaded on that device?
    Your item 8, puzzles me - 'autosumbit' could this be a typo? Have looked in Settings\Options but cannot see anything like it?
    Sorry to be asking so many questions but I am just trying to see if the program is for me during the free trial period. I have been using the 1Passe App for several years & that worked ok, not as functional & very differently, but it seems to have disappeared & is no longer available.
    Thanks again.

  • Greg
    1Password Alumni

    Thank you for your reply, @Colin_Foster! We are sorry for this ongoing confusion. We will keep working with you until you are all set. :)

    If I use 1Password as you are suggesting the saved password is never exhibited again, the password field in Logins is a set of random characters, not the original password I have registered, why is this please?

    It seems that something is going wrong here. Could you please describe how do you save your Login item in 1Password? Do you use the instructions Brenty provided above? If you do, 1Password should save the credentials you enter on the webpage as a Login item, not a random string of characters for a password.

    Or could I access web sites saved in 1Password by opening 1Password in a Browser, without the 1Password App being loaded on that device?

    When you have 1Password account, you are able to access your data in the browser at 1Password.com and copy/paste your passwords from there. However, please note that we do not recommend doing so on a public computer. Accessing your bank account on public computers is a bad idea as well.

    Your item 8, puzzles me - 'autosumbit' could this be a typo? Have looked in Settings\Options but cannot see anything like it?

    Brenty is talking about your Login item here, not 1Password 6 app settings. When you edit your item in 1Password 6 app (not extension in the browser), you can choose if you want your credentials to be submitted on the webpage:

    Please let us know if it helps. Also, if you share how have you been using the other app, we will be able to provide you with further tips from the point of view of 1Password. Thanks! :+1:


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @Colin_Foster: Yep, that was a typo. Thanks for pointing that out! Please let us know if you have any other questions. :)

  • Colin_Foster
    Community Member

    Hi Brenty & Greg
    Thanks that was helpful.
    We have progress, I have no idea why, but today when I look at the password field in Logins things have changed, instead of a single circular icon (As in the record template before entries are made) that when selected displayed the random characters there are 3 icons & the first, a different circular icon named Reveal, indeed shows the actual password in use - mystery - but hey ho it is what I want so lets move on ........

    Just for interest, I do not have to go through the processes 3,4,5,6 to save a password when in Firefox as suggested on Aug 6th reply - as soon as I enter the account credentials in Firefox a pop up box presents itself inviting completion, so much more convenient.

    My previous 1Passe App,was very basic & did not offer any extra functionality to 1Password now I can see the passwords saved.

    I have been researching backup of 1Password, in Help it says:-
    '1Password 4 for Windows
    Windows: Create a backup
    Open 1Password and choose Backup > Back Up 1Password Vault.
    To see where the backups are kept, choose File > Preferences > Backup, and see “Folder for backup copies”.
    Windows: Restore a backup
    Open 1Password and choose Backup > Restore 1Password Vault from Backup. Select the backup you want to restore and click Open.'

    I just cannot find the Backup, File or Preference options in 1Password 6, there is no File menu on the screen??
    Why is Help in V6 talking about V4?

    Thanks for help

  • bundtkate
    edited August 2017

    Hey @Colin_Foster! I'm glad saving and displaying passwords is now working better for you! When everything is working as it should, saving logins with 1Password should be super-convenient so I'm glad you have those thing all sorted out. :chuffed:

    As for backups, with your 1Password membership, your encrypted data is automatically backed up to 1Password.com, so you don't need to worry about manually creating backups. If something happens to your PC and you lose everything, you need only reinstall 1Password 6 and sign into your account and everything will be there waiting for you. Your best backup plan is keeping a hard copy of your Emergency Kit handy so you have all of your sign-in credentials even if you lose access to your devices. I also keep mine on a USB drive as I'm prone to misplace things and prefer to have a backup backup plan, just in case. :wink:

    As for the support documents talking about 1Password 4, you're actually accessing our support site from 1Password 6, so it will show information for all of the apps, even Mac and mobile. That's just an easy link in the help menu and the site itself can tell what operating system you're using and selects the correct platform from the platform switcher for you, which is why you don't immediately see information for other operating systems, but do see information about 1Password 4 for Windows.

    I hope that helps clear things up, but let use know if you have additional questions. :chuffed:

  • Colin_Foster
    Community Member

    Thanks bundtkate for your prompt reply
    It has helped a bit but I am still looking to know how to make a manual backup in V6, please send a link to the Help notes on this.
    I just cannot find the Backup, File or Preference options in 1Password 6, there is no File menu on the screen??

    Thanks again

  • Greg
    1Password Alumni

    @Colin_Foster: There aren't any local backups with 1Password.com accounts, we handle the backups for you on our servers. We have plans to add them in the future, but I do not have any timeframes for you at this point.

    By the way, if you use the 1Password apps, your data will always be cached locally on your devices, so you can view and edit it without an Internet connection. Any changes you make will become available on your other devices when you next go online.

    I hope it helps. If you have more questions about 1Password.com accounts or 1Password in general, please do not hesitate to raise them. That is why we are here. :)


  • Colin_Foster
    Community Member

    Doing ok on PC & MacBook now.
    On iPhone & iPad - I have downloaded App & followed Help instructions to Set Up the Extension which seemed to go ok, but when I go open the 1Password extension by selecting the Share icon, then selecting 1Password - the extension pop up opens but I do not see the list of Logins loaded?
    If I select the + next to New Login the list appears momentarily but then disappears to be replaced by a new login entry screen?
    Happens just the same on iPhone & iPad.
    Can you tell me how to get the list of loaded Logins to display in the 1Password Extension so they can be selected?

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @Colin_Foster: Do you have logins saved in 1Password? Even then only those matching your current URL should be offered. You can view all of them in your vault(s) in the main 1Password app. But the "+ New Login" is to create a new one, not access those yo've already created. It sounds like you just need to go to a website you have a login for, and then 1Password will fill it for you when you access the extension through the Share [ ↑ ] button. Let me know if that helps! :)

  • Colin_Foster
    Community Member

    Thanks for the response, regret it has not helped.

    I do have Logins saved in 1Password that are working fine on PC & MacBook.

    I understand when you say - ' the "+ New Login" is to create a new one, not access those yo've already created' - on the iPad & iPhone the '+ New Login' is the only option under 'Log in Using' section of pop up Extension window displayed
    As mentioned before, if I do select + New Login the loaded Logins are displayed momentarily but quickly disappear?

    When I access the Extension through the Share [ ↑ ] button in Safari on the iPad & iPhone to get the list of loaded Logins to select the one I want to open, as I do successfully on the PC & MacBook, the loaded Logins are not listed.

    As suggested, I have tried opening a Web site in Safari on the iPad that I know is loaded in Logins & have then accessed the extension through the Share [ ↑ ] button, the pop up window is just the same as described above.

    If I open the 1Password App on the iPad & iPhone all the loaded Logins are there.

    I have no idea why this is happening?

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @Colin_Foster: I'm sorry you're still having trouble! It really sounds like you're expecting the 1Password extension to show you all of your saved logins when you open it, but as I mentioned it will only list those matching the current URL so that you can have it fill them. You can, however, view everything in the main 1Password app, and then open a URL for a login from its details there.

    For example, I have two Amazon logins. When I am at https://amazon.com (or any page therein), opening the 1Password extension will show me my "Amazon (US)" login which I can fill there. The other, "Amazon (JP)" will only be shown if I'm at a page at https://amazon.co.jp instead. One will not work at the other because they are at completely different addresses.

    When you're seeing "+ New Login" only, it's because the URL you are visiting at that time does not match any you have saved for logins in 1Password. Can you give me an example of a specific site where you're running into trouble?

  • Colin_Foster
    Community Member

    Hi Brenty
    Thanks, I have got it working by the suggested method eg - 'You can, however, view everything in the main 1Password app, and then open a URL for a login from its details there'
    So, as I see it, the Extension works differently on the PC in Firefox & MacBook in Safari compared to the iPad & iPhone in Safari - am I right & if so how does one know?
    Just to be clear - the Extension on the PC in Firefox & MacBook in Safari definitely shows me all of the saved Logins from which the required web site & login can be seamlessly selected! But not on the iPad & iPhone.
    Thanks for your help, I can cope with the suggested method but the feedback I would offer is that the process of using 1Password on iPad & iPhone, that I have found so far, is no where near as slick as it is on PC & MacBook.
    Thanks again for your help with this

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    So, as I see it, the Extension works differently on the PC in Firefox & MacBook in Safari compared to the iPad & iPhone in Safari - am I right & if so how does one know?

    @Colin_Foster: Indeed, sorry for the confusion. That's why I mentioned it earlier. Apple has made iOS extensions limited is what they can do to preserve the security of the platform, so it isn't possible for 1Password to integrate directly with the browser there as it can on the desktop. Since we don't expect this will change in the future, we've built a browser view into 1Password itself on iOS so you can open and fill logins more easily there. I hope this helps. Be sure to let me know if you have any other questions! :)

  • Colin_Foster
    Community Member

    OK, thanks, I understand now.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    You're welcome! Thanks for your patience. We're here if you need anything else. :chuffed:

  • Colin_Foster
    Community Member

    I am struggling with logins that have authentication steps on more than one screen, I have tried on both a MS W10 device & an Apple device.
    Eg -Santander Bank Login:-
    First screen requires a 'Personal Customer ID' which 1Password auto fills.
    Second screen requires both a 'Passcode' & 'Registration Number' in 2 separate fields, which 1Password does not fill, so I have to remember the info & manually fill the fields which rather defeats the object of 1Password?
    In the 1Password Santander Login record I have the ID entered in the Username field - Reg number & Passcode entered under created labels in Section field?
    I have looked at the 2 Step Verification & 2 Factor Authentication notes in help but cannot find a way of applying these facilities? In fact I am struggling to follow the help videos & notes - it says 'Turn on the 2 Factor Authentication' but does not say where or how to do this??
    Otherwise all working well thanks

  • @Colin_Foster: 1Password won't fill custom fields just yet, but I can think of two things that may help a bit. First, 1Password will still fill a password even if the field isn't explicitly labeled "password" so long as it is recognized as a password field. You may try putting either the reg number or the passcode into the password field instead and see if you can get at least one of these to fill on that second page. Instict says passcode is more likely to be a password field, but this ultimately depends on the site design.

    Second, you can copy/paste custom fields from the extension. Right-click the login item in the extension and choose more > Passcode to copy it. Not quite the same as filling, but hopefully better than needing to remember these additional fields. :chuffed:

    Regarding two-step/two-factor authentication, are you talking about using TOTP with particular login items? If so, this method of two-step verification isn't supported by every site. It's up to the site itself whether it wants to offer two-step verification and whether using a third-party app to generate your TOTP codes is permitted. Some banks, in particular, may have more restrictions on what types of two-step verification they support. If you see a site that offers one-time passwords as a method of two-step verification and allows third-party apps to be used, you can likely use 1Password to generate TOTP codes for that site, but without a specific site to work with, it'll be tough for us to walk you through the process. Is there a particular site you're looking to set up two-step verification for? If so, let me know and we'll see if we can lend a hand. :+1:

  • Colin_Foster
    Community Member

    Hi Bundkate: Thanks for the quick & full response.
    I guess I was hoping the two-step/two-factor authentication highlighted in the latest version update email was in fact a solution for logins that have authentication steps on more than one screen ( you refer to as custom fields I think) but from your answer it seems it does not - from the description 'two-step/two-factor authentication ' it rather sounds as though it would!
    At the moment we do not have any logins that requite TOTP, so not an issue for us at the moment.
    So I feel I now understand things better.
    The copy/paste custom fields from the extension function is quite acceptable to me, thanks. Frustrating that every time one logs in using this method 1Password generates a pop up screen looking to update the password & username when one is not changing them?
    Again thanks, most helpful.

  • @Colin_Foster: This is definitely something we're looking to improve moving forward. 1Password 6 doesn't handle these multi-page logins as well as we'd like. That said, it shouldn't be prompting you to update if nothing has changed. Could you check and make sure that the URL for each page is included in the website section of your login item? If they are both included already, let me know. If not, add the one that's missing and let me know if you're still getting an update prompt.

  • Colin_Foster
    Community Member

    Hi Bundkate: As suggested I have put 2 URLs into the 1Password Login record for the Santander Bank but the update pop up is still appearing. The only change is that when I select the Extension to copy the 2nd & 3rd entries I see 2 Santander Logins listed, 1 in colour & 1 greyed out?

  • @Colin_Foster: I actually just gave Santander Bank a try myself with a made-up login and it does act a bit strangely. It's possible this one in particular may be a website design issue, but I'd like to take a closer look before I blame them. Would you be okay sharing the URL you start on when you log in? I see they have different login sites for different products so I want to make sure I'm fiddling with the same login flow you're using. Thanks! :chuffed:

  • Thanks, @Colin_Foster! It looks like I can't do terribly much without an account, but I'll still take a look and touch base with the extension team to see if they have any input. :+1:

  • Colin_Foster
    Community Member

    I am just about to enter my CC details & commit to 1Password after the 30 day free trial.
    Sorry to be negative, but I must ask what arrangements are in place for access to saved info in 1Password in the event that the app is withdrawn & the service ceased?
    I have recently experienced the loss of 1Passe password app , Apple approved, that has just simply disappeared & ceased to be available so I am unable to access my data saved in a file in iCloud. I am cannot find the app to download which I need to unencrypt the file. I lost the original app when I restored my iPhone.
    I trust you can understand my insecurity after my recent experience & all the inconvenience I am incurring recreating my login records.
    Please let me know what 1Password policy is over this issue or is it just a risk one has to take??

  • @Colin_Foster: You're not being negative at all. That's something you definitely should worry about and something a company you trust with important data should be worrying about themselves. I'm sure we would give y'all plenty of warning if 1Password were disappearing for any reason (which I sincerely hope never happens, at least until we've achieved some sort of Star Trek style utopia), but even if we were all abducted by aliens and 1Password.com went down without any warning, you'd still be able to access your data locally. You won't be able to sync any longer, but that local data can be exported directly from the native apps without any help from us. This gives you a way to get your data out of 1Password in a format that can be read by other password managers (or by us ordinary humans), if needed.

    That said, exports aren't encrypted and do have your passwords and other items in plain text, so we discourage folks from keeping exports around. We know having to act proactively to ensure you have a usable copy of that data if something does happen is a concern and it's one we're taking seriously. We want to make sure that we're doing what we can to make sure that folks that bet on us are making a solid bet regardless of our future, so we're already looking at ways to help further ease this concern.

    Of course, losing the apps themselves at the wrong time is still a risk. Ultimately, the risk posed by losing access to your 1Password apps is lower for every device you sync with. After all, it might be pretty likely that your phone will get stolen while you're traveling (it's a near guarantee if you're me, it seems) or that your laptop hard drive will one day go bad, but the likelihood that all of your devices will have problems all at the same time is substantially lower, so the more places you sync that data, the more "backups" you have.

    I hope this helps ease concerns. We've been around for more than 10 years now and have no intention of going anywhere, but a bit of paranoia is healthy when it comes to data like your passwords. I'll never discourage planning for the worst, so long as you're still hoping for the best. :chuffed:

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @Colin_Foster: I just wanted to follow up to directly address your concern about the apps. I can't tell you how sorry I am to hear what happened, sort of getting the app pulled out from under you.

    Certainly if Apple or Google or Microsoft decides tomorrow to pull 1Password from their app stores, they can do that and we won't have much recourse. In some cases the app could even be removed from your device (though this has rarely been done). So it's important to keep in mind that we do have versions of 1Password which are distributed through our own website, which you can install yourself. So if we run afoul of the platform owner you can still get 1Password directly from us (on the desktop — this isn't possible on mobile devices).

    However, you're right that it's possible that we could cease to be available too. As Kate mentioned, we've been around for more than a decade and we're committed to running a sustainable business so we're able to keep doing what we love far into the future as well...but if we do go out of business at some point, so long as you have the app on your computer you can still use it. 1Password doesn't even need to be online to be functional (though it is obviously much more useful with an internet-connected web browser), so, as Kate indicated, you'd still be able to access and export your data in that case.

    I hope this helps. Be sure to let us know if you have any other questions! :)

  • Colin_Foster
    Community Member

    Many thanks for the detailed replies, I now understand more clearly what my options are & I am comfortable to commit to 1Password.
    Please keep up the good work!!

This discussion has been closed.