Download/Sync only one vault


I am using 1Password on Mac and Windows. I am not sure in the security of my Windows machine and it would be fine if I can keep part of my important passwords in the could, without downloading/syncing them to Windows machine.

Is there any possiblity to do it ? For example, I can create 2 valuts - first one is for common passwords, and second one - for important passords. Is there any settings to avoid second valult will be synced on Windows machine?

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Hey @demas! I see you have an individual account, so you would not be able to have that "Important" vault on your Mac without having it on your PC. However, there are two ways you might accomplish something similar:

    1. If you mark your Personal vault as safe for travel, but not the "Important" vault, you could enable Travel Mode to keep this vault on only. This will work with your individual account, but will not allow your data to sync to your Mac.
    2. If you upgrade to a family account instead, you could invite yourself to your family account using a secondary e-mail address. You can then use this second profile on your Windows machine and only share the items you want to with the Windows machine by placing them in the Shared vault. You can learn more about sharing with a family account here.

    Of course, 1Password does a lot to secure your vault on your computer and while syncing. Without your Master Password and your Secret Key, no one would be able to unlock your vault, even if they've managed to steal your encrypted data. That said, at the end of the day it's all about what you're comfortable with so it's up to you what data you want to sync where. :chuffed:

    I hope this helps give you some ideas, but do let us know if you have additional questions. :+1:

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