1Password 6 very choppy and laggy


Hi all,

i just upgraded to 1PW 6 from 1 PW 4. The Windows app is very choppy for me. It was even very choppy and laggy before I added any data and my database is not big at all (~ 230 Log Ins, notes and documents).

What do I mean with choppy and laggy: If i drag the windows of 1PW 6, it lags behind. If I type notes or Log Ins, the letters lag about 1 second behind. Clicking on objects or menus takes 1-3 seconds to register. It feels like a very poorly optimized flash app (not saying it is, just trying to describe the user experience).

I am running Win 10 Pro 64 bit with all current updates on a i9 7900X with 32GB of Ram etc., so it is not the PC. All other programs and games on this machine are running just fine.

Any ideas what I could do?

1Password Version: 6.7.457
Extension Version:
OS Version: Windows 10
Sync Type: 1Password


  • Hi @Blindside,

    Thanks for reporting this and I'm sorry to hear that it is laggy.

    1Password 6 is certainly faster than 1Password 4, so for it to regress like that on your computer is very strange. Can you open the Task Manager and tell me if the CPU usage is constantly high for 1Password? We saw a few anti-malware solutions causing 1Password to eat up 20-30% of CPU constantly for no reason, which would explain what you're seeing.

    If not, let's get your 1Password diagnostics report to rule a few things out. Please use this guide to generate the 1Password diagnostic report and email it to us at support+windows@agilebits.com. Also, in the email, include the link to this thread along with your forum username, so that we can connect the email to this thread.

    Let us know here when you've sent it, so we can confirm we got the email.

  • Blindside
    Community Member

    Hi @MikeT,

    the CPU usage shows 0% for 1 PW, so I don't think that is the error. The program ran fluid for a fews seconds and than become choppy again. I created a diagnostics report and mailed it to the adress. Although I haven't found any useful information inside, maybe you guys do :)

  • Hi @Blindside,

    Thanks for the report, we got it.

    the CPU usage shows 0% for 1 PW, so I don't think that is the error. The program ran fluid for a fews seconds and than become choppy again.

    That is to be expected at the moment due to the data sync that starts 10 seconds in, it is UI blocking but we are optimizing it in the upcoming 6.8 update to move more of the sync subsystem into its own thread and it won't block the UI as much.

    However, once the sync is done within a few seconds, it should be back to normal. In your diagnostics report, it took about one-two seconds to finish the sync and less than 0.02 seconds to refresh the database. In fact, I don't see anything out of the norms either beside yesterday where it took about 20 seconds to upload your entire database. We don't upload everything in one try but batch them in multiple smaller upload sync push calls. After that, we also had multiple files that was queued for a while to be uploaded.

    Is it possible that your app was still in the midst of uploading your data while you were testing 1Password 6? At the moment, 1Password 6 is not yet fully optimized when there's a long sync in the background but we're optimizing it in each update and the next update will be a big improvement.

    Also, our report doesn't yet contain the system uptime but can you try rebooting your computer? This sometime helps with .NET performance that can impact 1Password.

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