Problem trying to convert from SPB
I'm trying to convert my old SPBwallet data to to 1Password using the 'convert_to_1p4' readme notes, I'm not having much luck.
The first problem was that Strawberry Perl zip file didn't contain the 'portableshell.bat' file, it just wasn't there. I looked it up, and was able to create that file, here's what it contains.. (I explicitly set the Pearl path)
@echo off
set drive=%~dp0
set drivep=%drive%
If $##$==$#%drive:~-1%#$ set drivep=%drive:~0,-1%
set PATH=D:\Strawberry\perl\bin;%drivep%\perl\bin;%drivep%\c\bin;%PATH%
rem env variables
set TERM=dumb
rem avoid collisions with other perl stuff on your system
echo ----------------------------------------------
echo Welcome to Strawberry Perl Portable Edition!
echo * URL -
echo * see README.portable.TXT for more info
echo ----------------------------------------------
perl -e "printf("""Perl executable: %%s\nPerl version : %%vd\n""", $^X, $^V)" 2>nul
if ERRORLEVEL==1 echo.&echo FATAL ERROR: 'perl' does not work; check if your strawberry pack is complete!
cmd /K
The '%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\convert_to_1p4\install_modules.bat' command did a lot of work and appeared to finish succesfully.
but when I ran the final conversion program, I received this message:-
D:\Users\bernie\Desktop\convert_to_1p4>perl spbwallet -v ..\my
Can't locate Utils/ in @INC (you may need to install the Utils::PIF module
) (@INC contains: D:/Strawberry/perl/site/lib D:/Strawberry/perl/vendor/lib D:/S
trawberry/perl/lib) at line 15.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at line 15.
Something had obviously gone wrong the the PATH setting, so I moved the 'convert_to_lp4' folder from the desktop into 'D:/Strawberry/perl/site/lib'. Then I moved the SPB wallet up a level
It then appeared to successfully do the conversion
D:\Users\bernie\Desktop\convert_to_1p4>perl spbwallet -v mywal
Enter your SPB Wallet password:
Imported 211 items (12 items expanded to 24 items)
Exported 8 bankacct items
Exported 29 software items
Exported 44 login items
Exported 8 creditcard items
Exported 134 note items
Exported 223 total items
You may now import the file D:\Users\bernie\Desktop\1P_import.1pif into 1Password
The problem is that I can't find the '1P_import.1pif' file, it's not in the desktop folder, nor is it in that folder that I copied to 'D:/Strawberry/perl/site/lib'
Sorry about the long post, wanted to give you as much info as possible.
Any help appreciated.
1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:Convert from SPB
Oh sorry, just found the file on my desktop.... oops!!!
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Hi @bernieraffe -- LOL, if I had a dollar for every time I've done something like that... ;)
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Heh heh! and it took me ages to write out that post.
I've got the data imported now, so very pleased, worth the effort!
Bernie0 -
@bernieraffe -- glad to hear it! The converter is the work of the fantastic MrC from our forum community; all kudos should go directly to him; it's a wonderful tool!
0 -
I'm going to follow-up here, even though the issue is already resolved, for future reference.
The converter's instructions in README.pdf call for the portable version of Strawberry Perl - this includes the portableshell.bat.
The last Note in the first post of the converter suite thread indicates that Perl 5.26 should not be used. Instead, version 5.24 is required due to changes in how Perl looks for local modules. I have to update the converter suite to explicitly handle this now.
The last line of the converter's output tells you where the file is located:
You may now import the file D:\Users\bernie\Desktop\1P_import.1pif into 1Password
Enjoy 1Password!
0 -
@bernieraffe: Please check the notes from MrC above and let us know if there is anything else we can help you with. :) Thank you!