1P mini shows Passwords category items in Logins category


When I open 1P mini, and go to the Logins category, I also see there the items that are in the Passwords category. I know this does not happen in the Windows app, so I suspect it is a bug.

1Password Version: 6.7.457
Extension Version:
OS Version: Win 10 Home, V1703
Sync Type: Account


  • @K_nc: At one point, mini did show password items associated with the site you're on no matter what, but now it should only do so if you generated a password on this site but do not have an existing login item for the site. It will also show them on your browser start page since that shows everything ever for go & fill purposes. Keep in mind, mini isn't perfect at detecting what site you're on when you generate a password, so it may display a password item on a site you never intended to create a login for just because that's the site that was focused when you copied the generated password. If you're seeing a password item on a site for which you have an existing login item, that would be a bug. Are you only seeing these on your browser start page or are they popping up elsewhere? Particularly if they are popping up alongside a login item, let me know. :+1:

  • K_nc
    Community Member

    Thanks. Sorry, I should have been more specific. They are showing up if I am on my browser start page (Firefox), or a New Tab page, and then I select the Logins category in 1P mini.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni
    edited October 2017

    @K_nc: It's not exactly a bug, as it can be useful to use Password items there, but I can see how that could be confusing. In the future we'll make it so that these only show up if there are no Login items saved for the site, as you may have forgotten to save one after generating a password for it. Thanks for the feedback! :)

    ref: OPW6-1114

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