Local Vault Support in 1Password 6



I was considering updating to the 1Password Subscription from my standalone 1Password 4 License. While reading through the migration guides on the forum, I saw that there is a plan to support Local Vaults in the newer versions of 1Password... sometime.

Previous comments shied away from giving a timeline on this change. Would you be willing to say if this change will happen in 2018? It would be nice to know before I decide whether or not to pay for an annual subscription or not.


1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • @Kitforbes: We will almost always shy away from timelines on future features until they're all but ready to be released. We're working on 1Password 7 right now, which will include standalone vault support, but that support needs to be built from scratch so we really don't know for sure when it will be ready. As such, I still can't make any promises about timing. Until any given feature is ready, especially one as big as standalone vaults, any timeline is a guess at best and we don't want to make promises we're not sure we can keep. :+1:

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