1Password for Windows Mobile 10 cannot find dropbox .opvault


Hi there,

I have been switching to Windows Mobile 10 due to significant security issues with iOS and android recently (e.g. KRACK attack). As part of that process, I'm needing to set up 1password on this device. I have found that although this alpha /beta app used to work, it is no longer able to detect my keychain.

Has something happened? Is there a new version of the Windows 10 mobile app? I'm using the latest version from the store (it's hidden).

Thank you!


  • @vasbinde: Windows 10 Mobile is no longer supported and the alpha/beta is still using the old Dropbox API (since retired), so it won't be able to sync up with Dropbox. I'm sorry I don't have better news for you, but if it does help, my understanding is that Apple has patched KRACK in the latest iOS beta if you still have an iOS device around. I definitely feel your pain though. I use an Android phone that is no longer supported, so no patch for me and mobile data until I can snag a new phone. :frown: Good luck getting everything updated and we're here if we can do anything else to help. :chuffed:

  • vasbinde
    Community Member

    Apple is too slow to release this patch - they had knowledge of the vulnerability months ago, but did nothing. Unfortunately, your dropping of Windows 10 Mobile support will have me leaving 1Password and no longer recommending you to my clients at NetDefend Consulting and with my review site and channel, NetWise Life. I will now evaluate EnPass instead.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    That's your call, but we need prioritize support for platforms that our customers use. Microsoft is no longer developing Windows Phone, after all. If you're tied to that platform for some reason then it's understandable that you'd look for an alternative. We'd rather you use something else than nothing at all. Stay safe out there! :blush:

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