Ctrl\ doesn't match browser plugin in...


The list of logins I see when pressing "Ctrl\" doesn't match the list of logins I see when I click the 1Password icon in the browser extension... Why wouldn't these match? I also notice that when I complete a login on a site, I am prompted to save the password in 1Password via BOTH methods: A browser drop-down at the top of my browser window, and a separate dialog box pop-up...

It almost feels like I have two separate instances of 1Password installed, but I have checked and I don't.

Please help!

1Password Version: 4
Extension Version:
OS Version: Windows 10 and Windows 7
Sync Type: Dropbox
Referrer: forum-search:Ctrl\ doesn't match browser plugin in...


  • @iellis: The double save dialogue could be your browser prompting to save the new login. I always forget to turn that off when I install a new browser to test something, but it's hard to say without being able to look over your shoulder. Could you possibly share a screenshot of both prompts you see? You can add a screenshot to your post by clicking the Attach Image icon (the one farthest to the right above where you type your reply). Make sure you're not including any personal information or sensitive data in your screenshot. Feel free to messily black out portions of the screenshot in Paint. I'm no designer and do that sort of thing all the time. :chuffed: This should help us figure out the source of the extra dialogue and rule something like having two versions of 1Password installed as the mini UI for each version is different. :+1:

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