Possible over-under view for Secure Notes in Win ver 6?

Community Member
edited November 2017 in 1Password 4 for Windows

Just switched from Win ver 4 to a subscription with ver 6 and I'm having a hard time getting used to the "side-by-side" view with the secure note title on the LEFT and the note field on the RIGHT.
Is there possibly a way to switch to the "over-under" view like ver 4 had? It gives much more width to view big notes...?
The current side-by-side wouldn't be as bad if I was able to get rid of all the blank space between the title and note field - as it stands there's about 3 inches of unused white space that will not go away (between the left title window and the notes box) no matter how small I make the title column.

Here's a pic:


1Password Version: 6.8.473
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Win 10
Sync Type: Subscription/Cloud


  • Greg
    1Password Alumni

    Hello there @Wrathwielder,

    Thank you for your detailed feedback and a screenshot!

    I am afraid it is not possible to switch between "side-by-side" and "over-under" views in the current version of 1Password for Windows. I understand that it is quite different from what you are used to in 1Password 4 and I am sorry for the inconvenience.

    I will make sure to pass your feedback along to our team, so we could discuss how we can improve this experience in our app. Maybe we will try to get rid of that white space gap (somehow). Thanks again! Please let me now if you bump into any other troubles with 1Password 6, we will be happy to help.


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