1Password WIndows: Can't edit wallet accounts because the dialogue doesn't fit on the screen



I'm using 1Password for windows. Trying to edit a Wallet account the dialog box is too tall for my screen (standard 1920 x 1080 laptop resolution) so I cannot get to the Save button at the end of the dialog. As a result I cannot edit Wallet items.

I have tried to resize the dialog but it just seems to turn into a move. Is there any way to resize the dialog so it fits the window (or even better have it smart enough to fit the screen, or have scrollbars, or tabs or something). Thanks.

1Password Version:
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Windows 8.1
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @RobF: Thanks for reaching out. I’m sorry for the trouble! It isn't possible to resize the Window. 1Password 4 is a desktop app and not designed for tablets; it just isn't flexible in that way unfortunately. But you can use Tab to move between fields, Enter to save, or Esc to cancel. I hope this helps. Be sure to let me know if you have any other questions! :)

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