Just looking for information, Windows 10 Mobile app


I was part of the 1Password for Windows 10 Mobile Alpha program, and used all the subsequent updates. I now have 1Passowrd 6.0.161u on my Lumia 950, and for day-to-day it's still been fine. However, I just recently noticed that the app has completely stopped syncing from my Dropbox vaults (even though they worked initially and for quite some time after that). If I try to sign back in to Dropbox, the app doesn't recognize my vaults either. (The Teams functionality is also broken apparently, but that's not as important to me)

I know Windows 10 Mobile is on life support, and the app isn't even in the Store (for mobile) anymore, but I'm just hoping that someone on the Agilebits team can shed some light on why the app isn't syncing anymore, even if no bug fix is forthcoming. And if there is an easy fix on my end, I'd be happy to hear that too :) I'm still thankful that we got an app at all!

1Password Version: 6.0.161u
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Windows 10 Mobile
Sync Type: Dropbox


  • @chenryhen: Dropbox updated its API, which all of the 1Password mobile apps use to sync with Dropbox. We didn't and won't update the Windows Mobile app to use the new API, so it's not going to sync with Dropbox anymore. As you said, Windows 10 Mobile is on its last legs at best, so it's really not a good use of development resources at this point. I'm sorry I don't have better news, but I'm glad the alpha is still serving you as well as it is. Maybe one day Microsoft will decide what they want to do with their mobile phone business and we can revisit it. :chuffed:

  • chenryhen
    Community Member

    @bundtkate thanks for the quick answer! Totally understandable and exactly the explanation I was looking for. While I have your attention though :) …

    Does that mean a local version of the vault would still work, if I do the manual work of copying things over or setting up a different sync path from my other 1Password apps? Or if the OneDrive integration still works? Thanks again!

  • Greg
    1Password Alumni

    @chenryhen: I believe that local vault in 1Password 6.0.161u might work, but this version of 1Password is no longer supported and we do not recommend using it. It is important to run the latest version of any software, due to security reasons, and it is even more important when it comes to 1Password. I hope for your understanding. Thank you!


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