On WLAN Sync in 1Password 7
There are a lot of people posting here that could be a little over the top but the fact still lies you have customers wanting an option added back to your product. I have read a lot where its suggested there is no where near enough requests to justify the need for working on this on your end. I get this but has any business thought been given to earlier suggestions I gave such as creating an "Add On" option that we pay for, then you only have to support those users that use it? If not, and this isnt likely on your end either, really at this point you don't see this ever being added to ver7 and this thread should just be more of an "informative" thread for users just discovering the need for WLAN. Just trying to understand a little better the possibilities here. I bought ver7 but have never used since my security beliefs are different than yours. Thanks for your time.
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There are a lot of people posting here that could be a little over the top...
Mmmmmaybe. ;) We appreciate passion, though. It means people care. :)
...has any business thought been given to earlier suggestions I gave such as creating an "Add On" option that we pay for, then you only have to support those users that use it?
Thought? Yes. A decision on it? No. At least none that I know of. It's not a bad idea, but it still means developer time spent creating and curating (updating, bug-fixing) an issue. The amount of developer time required to do any such thing will vary from feature to feature, and so will the number of users who would actually be willing to pay -- and how much they'd be willing to pay. Those things (dev time required and number of users actually willing to pay) might very well not align, but even if they did, my own opinion is that we don't want to get into the business of being the digital equivalent of a short-order restaurant: you can have any feature you like as an a la carte option that changes what your cost is. The logistics of the financial end of that alone are forbidding; everyone (or at least a lot of users) paying a different amount from one another due to various "add-on" features, etc.
Please note that the above is just my own opinion; I don't make those kinds of decisions around here, but I'd be surprised if the folks who do aren't thinking at least partially along the same lines in regard to this. We are always willing and even eager to hear our users' feedback and feature requests, but that doesn't mean we're always going to fulfill them -- it would be impossible to even try to fulfill every one, let alone offer each one as an off-menu "add-on," each with its own separate price.
I bought ver7 but have never used since my security beliefs are different than yours.
OK, that's just not right. If you've got an unused license for 1Password 7 for Windows hanging around that you know for certain you won't ever use, we'd be willing to refund your purchase and deactivate the license. We don't want users feeling like they've wasted their money or purchased something they don't need/want. Refunds generally are dealt with on a case-by-case basis, but if you're feeling as if you spent money for nothing, write in to the sales folks here at sales@1password.com and include a link to my post here, and we'll see what we can do for you.
Thanks for your time.
Of course! Thank you for being willing to share some of your own valuable time and your thoughts/wishes for 1Password with us. :)
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I want to make a few comments on 1Password and why they should offer BOTH 1password accounts and WLAN sync. Individuals have different threat postures.
1. Our system is a juicier target than your system.
We are continually under attack. (They are kind of amusing to watch and only very rarely require any manual intervention on our part. But we do keep an eye on them.):Correct, and as such the “juiciness” can be so concentrated that it begins to make sense for nation state, and well funded adversaries to come after you. You’ve expounded on your large defense capability. Similarly, you may be overpowered by a larger, more well funded organization. Similar to the mass spying that occurred and was a hot topic in 2013 etc. it is unlikely someone will devote resources to go after every single user as an individual and the nightmare that would entail in terms of breaching everyone’s varied hardware/software.
One thing that security experts revealed during that time was that it was unlikely if a well funded adversary came after you , you had a chance of defending against it.
1Password makes the the proposition of attack a good investment. Would it be worth it to devote man hours to breach 1 or 2 users? likely not, unless they were dealing with sensitive information. Would it be worth devoting 1 or 2 security analysts(or more) to breach the entirety of the system? Heck yes.
Secondly, security history has demonstrated two things:
1.The security we take for granted (libssh), https, Your VPC, and database etc has indeed been broken before, and likely will be again in the future.
2. Even the concept of virtualization has been broken with such elements as spectre, meltdown. This is core to cloud computing. Contrary to the funny image you guys posted cloud computing is abstracted resources that are resold to many parties. “its not just someone else’s datacenter” – its anyones datacenter at any point in time. (Some exceptions apply for dedicated hardware provisioning).
Ultimately, if data never left my disk intercepting it on a network it never travelled down , would be impossible. If someone specifically came for my secrets and accessed my network, then yes sure. I would be at risk, but not necessarily everyone who used the service.0 -
I want to make a few comments on 1Password and why they should offer BOTH 1password accounts and WLAN sync. Individuals have different threat postures.
1. Our system is a juicier target than your system.
We are continually under attack. (They are kind of amusing to watch and only very rarely require any manual intervention on our part. But we do keep an eye on them.):Correct, and as such the “juiciness” can be so concentrated that it begins to make sense for nation state, and well funded adversaries to come after you. You’ve expounded on your large defense capability. Similarly, you may be overpowered by a larger, more well funded organization. Similar to the mass spying that occurred and was a hot topic in 2013 etc. it is unlikely someone will devote resources to go after every single user as an individual and the nightmare that would entail in terms of breaching everyone’s varied hardware/software.
One thing that security experts revealed during that time was that it was unlikely if a well funded adversary came after you , you had a chance of defending against it.
1Password makes the the proposition of attack a good investment. Would it be worth it to devote man hours to breach 1 or 2 users? likely not, unless they were dealing with sensitive information. Would it be worth devoting 1 or 2 security analysts(or more) to breach the entirety of the system? Heck yes.
Secondly, security history has demonstrated two things:
1.The security we take for granted (libssh), https, Your VPC, and database etc has indeed been broken before, and likely will be again in the future.
2. Even the concept of virtualization has been broken with such elements as spectre, meltdown. This is core to cloud computing. Contrary to the funny image you guys posted cloud computing is abstracted resources that are resold to many parties. “its not just someone else’s datacenter” – its anyones datacenter at any point in time. (Some exceptions apply for dedicated hardware provisioning).
Ultimately, if data never left my disk intercepting it on a network it never travelled down , would be impossible. If someone specifically came for my secrets and accessed my network, then yes sure. I would be at risk, but not necessarily everyone who used the service.0 -
Correct, and as such the “juiciness” can be so concentrated that it begins to make sense for nation state, and well funded adversaries to come after you. You’ve expounded on your large defense capability. Similarly, you may be overpowered by a larger, more well funded organization. Similar to the mass spying that occurred and was a hot topic in 2013 etc. it is unlikely someone will devote resources to go after every single user as an individual and the nightmare that would entail in terms of breaching everyone’s varied hardware/software.
And that's precisely why 1Password.com users remain safe: because a "nation state" or any attacker would need to target them specifically, and then obtain their Master Password (which they chose and no one else knows) and Secret Key (which is a random 128-bit string generated locally on their device). Neither of those are ever transmitted to us, and both are necessary to decrypt the user's data. No one can take something from us which we do not have.
If someone specifically came for my secrets and accessed my network, then yes sure. I would be at risk, but not necessarily everyone who used the service.
Indeed, the potential threat is the same whether you use 1Password.com or local sync: an attacker singling you out to steal your data and the keys to it from you directly.
The other bits don't apply since we're using multiple layers of end-to-end encryption, not relying on transport security or cloud isolation; but even were that not the case, the fact that the only place the data ever exists unencrypted is locally on the user's device, and only the user has the keys to it, makes all the difference.
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I think most the users that are looking for the WIFI sync are somehow advanced users. So I think you wouldn't need to find the best looking and most easy option for us.
Right now I am using 1P7 for my daily usage and then I still have 1P4 installed for the sync. This works, but it is a bit annoying because of the extra steps.
Your are always talking about maintenance. That makes sense but let's be honest the sync 1P4 is running great for a long while. Why don't you just grab the code basis of 1P4 and make make a standalone sync app out of it? Then you don't have to code a lot of new things. We all would have an acceptable solution and you could even make a menu item in 1PW7 to install and then launch the sync (you could market it as a free/paid add on). I think you would also make a few more sales to new customers that are sensible with their data. Because you can make your points concerning the security of your cloud service as often as you want but in the end trust and psychology are important factors that you can't change by just repeating your points.
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@kojokuno: do i understand you right that you have both programs on Windows installed and you can use for both the same local password database file? and then you sync it via the old 1PW4 version with the iOS devices?
Doesnt 1PW7 have a new PW database file?please explain how this works, i would like to try that.
i also support your idea of a paid add on.0 -
Both 1Password 4 and 1Password 7 can read/write an OPVault in a local folder. It's just really important to not have them both doing so simultaneously, so make sure you quit all processes for one before switching to the other.
It is not possible to "grab the code" specifically for WLAN Server from 1Password 4 and cram it into 1Password 7 and have it work. They're completely different apps written in completely different languages, by different people, many years apart. You wouldn't have any better luck taking a snippet of Windows source and cramming it into macOS to get a new feature there either.
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@brenty I was more referring to the idea of "making the current code basis slim" and to make a stand alone sync app out of it without all the other features. I am sure this is possible without a lot of work. I didn't ask you to port the code.
@exitstrategy brenty describes it pretty well. I let both versions just access the same OPVault. So for syncing I just close 1P7 and open 1P4 and start the sync process. When installing both make sure you only opt for installing browser extensions with 1P7.
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I don't think it would be a good use of resources to create another app specifically for local sync, based on the small amount of interest (though passionate) in such a feature. I think you underestimate the work that would need to go into developing all of that under the hood and UI, as well as testing it extensively, since we're talking about not reusing/porting existing code -- either way has problems though. I'd argue it wouldn't be justifiable to undertake that, but ultimately it's not my call. However, the reality is that it's irrelevant because we simply don't have anyone available to work on such a project for the foreseeable future. We've got a lot of work underway, and more ahead of us. We're always looking for more people, but we already have other work for them to do if and when we find the right ones. :blush:
Regarding using a combination of 1Password 4 and 1Password 7, both use the same browser extensions, so that can get pretty messy with both trying to connect. Just one more reason why it isn't recommended or supported, and why it's important to have only one running at a time if you decide to go that route anyway.
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@kojokuno: installing 1PW4 is long ago and it is currently installed. i checked it today and saw no option in the program to disable browser extensions there. Do i have the option during installation to deselect them? if so, that would be good and support this idea.
i kinda like it, since i like the new 1PW7 UI.@brenty: currenly my 1PW4 file is a keychain file. Will this be converted to a OPVault file when i install 1PW7? IS there any disadvanatge from using a OPVault file with 1PW4 if i decide to drop the usage of 1PW7?
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@exitstrategy: You don't technically disable the extensions, but instead disable a setting to prevent 1Password 4 from connecting to them via Help > Advanced and unchecking "Use native messaging protocol" in 1Password 4. Thing is, I've personally found they still seem to stumble over one another from time to time. I have to work with 1Password 4 sometimes, so I keep it around, but I follow brenty's advice of ending any 1Password 4 processes before launching 1Password 7 (and visa versa) in addition to disabling that setting. This seems to help when I only need the main app, but getting 1Password 4 to take control of the extension is another story. For that, I use a virtual machine with just 1Password 4. 1Password 7 is designed to be the only 1Password app on your PC. You might be able to wrangle the two into playing nice, but it's not something I've personally found simple or practical. I'm not saying don't try it, but temper your expectations so the worst that happens is you're pleasantly surprised.
As for OPVault, it will be automatically converted when you open your 1Password 4 vault in 1Password 7. For many, there's no disadvantage to sticking with OPVault with 1Password 4. It's a superior data format that is more secure and for many 1Password apps it's faster, but 1Password 4 can be a bit slower with OPVault, particularly if you have a larger vault. This is something that should be readily apparent to you as soon as you swap 1Password 4 to OPVault, however, so if it's not going to work for you, you should know before it becomes too difficult to back out and return to Agile Keychain. The conversion doesn't delete your Agile Keychain, just renames it, so going back isn't a huge deal unless and until you make a lot of changes to your OPVault. :+1:
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Just to add to what Kate said, also disable 1Password from running on startup in Task Manager. Otherwise you'll have it running in the background all the time.
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Other ways to sync Mac and Windows? I don't want subscription and don't want to use Dropbox only for 1password.
So I don't need exactly WLAN Sync, but need a way to sync with Windows. Maybe 1password for Mac should also put .opvault as a folder to iCloud.0 -
Dropbox and 1Password.com are the only supported options. But a lot of people use the Folder Sync feature to write to a location of their choosing on their local drive, and then use some other software to keep that up to date between computers.
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bundtkate May 2018
@cellsheet: While I'll note that 1Password.com syncs everything end-to-end encrypted as well, I'm glad you've found a solution that works for you. Really, this is what we prefer – for you to choose how you'd like to sync, using a cloud service or otherwise. Thanks for taking the time to share. :chuffed:@bundtkate To be able to choose resilio sync (or any other 3rd party sync app/cloud service) with 1Password on iOS would require implementation of https://developer.apple.com/documentation/uikit/uidocumentbrowserviewcontroller and unless I am mistaken, that is currently missing.
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@bb10 resilio sync on iOS is available at https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/resilio-sync/id1126282325?mt=8
However, I don’t believe it’s possible on iOS to import the vault nor sync the standalone vault created on the iOS app after attempting this right now. I would personally not recommend this method if you’re on iOS unless you discover a way to make this work through iCloud Drive. I can confirm this works on Android however, for any android users out there.
@brenty is it possible to add functionality to the iOS app to create/sync standalone vaults the iOS app created to iCloud Drive for true cross platform without reliance on Dropbox? This would allow a bit more control as to how and where the the vault is transmitted as resilio sync does not necessarily require the internet to synchronize from client to client so long as your clients are on the same LAN network. The iCloud Drive should be re-synchronized upon changes from another linked resilio client through P2P since that’s resilio’s protocol (and potentially transmitted as encrypted packets as that’s an option as well), therefore reflected upon sync with iOS to the 1Password app, and vice versa in theory. I can verify this works perfectly on android where you can sync your vault to the file system, and import on the Android app which will be synced to and from other resilio clients (such as a NAS server and a computer for backup/redundancy just in case). This may be an advanced solution and use case, however giving more flexibility for those who want to utilize something like this.
Edit: Apparently resilio sync makes a “Sync” location on iOS just as there is iCloud Drive, giving users more control as there’s no dependance on iCloud at this point. Perhaps the iOS 1Password app can give us a location selection option for which “Location” we create our vault on provided this is an exposed API? Or even, perhaps, add this as a sync method in general? Perhaps letting users select which location on iOS may be more viable however as less overhead to the code base as far as code changes go.
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I'm not sure that being able to browse files is what anyone had in mind for syncing with a local folder, but it's something to consider. Android is different in that direct filesystem access is possible, hence Folder Sync being an option there. iCloud Drive is designed for document storage, not as a sync mechanism for apps; Apple created CloudKit at the same time to fill the need for database keyvalue storage and sync, and that's a very different animal.
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@bb10 resilio sync on iOS is available at https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/resilio-sync/id1126282325?mt=8
However, I don’t believe it’s possible on iOS to import the vault nor sync the standalone vault created on the iOS app after attempting this right now.That's what I said :tongue:
Edit: Apparently resilio sync makes a “Sync” location on iOS just as there is iCloud Drive, giving users more control as there’s no dependance on iCloud at this point.
Yes, that's the link in my post. :chuffed: Resilio sync (and other sync/cloud apps) use the https://developer.apple.com/documentation/fileprovider extension so other apps can access their data using https://developer.apple.com/documentation/uikit/uidocumentbrowserviewcontroller.
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I'm just going to echo @brenty's point here – none of these services were really designed to sync what 1Password wants them to. With Android's direct access to the filesystem, we're doing something fairly simple – writing 1Password data to a local folder and leaving it to y'all to decide how your other devices access that folder. On iOS, we'd be looking at something more complicated and probably having to cross our fingers that everything works as we'd like. That doesn't mean these services aren't worth a look, though, and we appreciate y'all sharing. :chuffed:
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I’ve been using 1Password 4 for ages and upgraded to 7 a few days ago. I chose 1Password for one and only one reason, WiFi sync.
I don’t want that kind of data to be on any cloud, either your facilities are more secured than my own devices. Plus as a I live in Europe I’m not really fan having my data on another continent, answering to foreign laws. But that’s another debate.Finding this feature back then in 1Password was a relief because I really wanted to use a simple password manager on various devices and syncing data locally.
Being happy with your software I wanted to upgraded to 1Password 7, and bought a licence because that’s also another debate, but I refuse having to subscribe to a software, it brings a lot à of money for you and that’s great but it’s really a downgrade for customers like me. I don’t want want spend eternally for a complete software when I’m using only a part of its features.
Anyway, I bought a license, started to sync my passwords locally, and surprise, it doesn’t work. I go on your website, see that the feature is enabled for Mac so I still had hope but surprise again, it’s not possible for Windows customers (I use Windows and iOS).I’ve read many of the reasons you claim to justify this lack. And I’ve rarely been that frustrated when it comes to a software.
First, if it’s enabled for Mac, how am I suppose to feel when I see it’s not for windows? Don’t we deserve the same amount of care?Then, you’re saying that you had many problems with customers not knowing which kind of syncing they chose, etc. Ok, I understand, but why don’t you just implement this feature and just put extra extra warning concerning this feature and that it’s reserved to people who know what they’re doing (we are adults after all and can take our responsibilities). Even though the feature rarely gave trouble to customers writing on this thread, I encountered one type of problem regarding my network going on it’s own to public, but I managed to find a way and I’m not the most computer skilled person.
Anyway, I saw the other of way of syncing my passwords in my configuration : membership or Dropbox. There’s no way I’d put that kind of data in the hands of a third party. Can you guarantee at 100% the same amount of security than with your own process?
Because I really like 1Password I almost considered syncing my data with your own services. I saw I needed to go membership but discovered I can’t because I paid a licence. Even though I spend money for this software, customers who to remain on the licence wide are clearly not treated equally with membership ones.Finally, all the reasons you gave and that last part I wrote, just give me the same feeling : you do whatever you can to make people subscribing. And I understand, you’re not a humanitarian company, you want to make profits, but come on... we are paying too, we deserve the same amount of customer care.
Besides, you claim that your facilities are more secured that our own devices, surely yes. But not allowing syncing with your cloud, means that customers who bought a licence don’t have have the same security level than membership ones. From a CRM point, that’s just awful. And if I want to go membership and I bought a license, can’t I have some sort ofAmongst any communities, there’re what’s called a silent majority. So even though you’re not receiving many requests, doesn’t mean that there are not many people that want that feature. Plus 1Password must think this as a way to distinguish yourself from others, because in my opinion, if was not for wifey syncing I’m not sure
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Don’t Know what happened but there are many bits of my message that aren’t there, plus it’s a version full of mistakes. Sorry for that, I’m writing on an IPad and don’t see a way to edit my first message. So please, feel free to delete my first message.
So here is a corrected and completed version:
I’ve been using 1Password 4 for ages and upgraded to 7 a few days ago. I chose 1Password for one and only one reason, WiFi sync.
I don’t want that kind of data to be on any cloud, even if your facilities are more secured than my own devices. Plus as a I live in Europe I’m not really fan having my data on another continent, answering to foreign laws. But that’s another debate.Finding this feature back then in 1Password was a relief because I really wanted to use a simple password manager on various devices and syncing data locally.
Being happy with your software I wanted to upgraded to 1Password 7, and bought a licence because that’s also another debate, but I refuse having to subscribe to a software, it brings money for you and that’s great but it’s really a downgrade for customers like me. I don’t want want spend money eternally for a complete software when I’m using only a part of its features.
Anyway, I bought a license, started to sync my passwords locally, and surprise, it doesn’t work. I go on your website, see that the feature is enabled for Mac so I still had hope but surprise again, it’s not possible for Windows customers (I use Windows and iOS).I’ve read many of the reasons you claim to justify this lack. And I’ve rarely been that frustrated when it comes to a software.
First, if it’s enabled for Mac, how am I suppose to feel when I see it’s not for windows? Don’t we deserve the same amount of care?Then, you’re saying that you had many problems with customers not knowing which kind of syncing they chose, etc. Ok, I understand, but why don’t you just implement this feature and just put extra extra warning concerning this feature and that it’s reserved to people who know what they’re doing (we are adults after all and can take our responsibilities). Even though the feature rarely gave trouble to customers writing on this thread, I encountered one type of problem regarding my network going on it’s own to public, but I managed to find a way and I’m not the most computer skilled person. Think of it as Darwinism, if you can’t make it work, don’t use it.
Anyway, I saw the other of way of syncing my passwords in my configuration : membership or Dropbox. There’s no way I’d put that kind of data in the hands of a third party. By the way, can you guarantee at 100% the same amount of security than with your own process?
Because I really like 1Password I almost considered syncing my data with your own services. I saw I needed to go membership but discovered I can’t because I paid a licence. Even though I spend money for this software, customers who want to remain on the licence side are clearly not treated equally to membership ones.Finally, all the reasons you gave and that last part I wrote, just give me the same feeling : you do whatever you can to make people subscribing. And I understand, you’re not a humanitarian company, you want to make profits, but come on... we are paying too, we deserve the same amount of customer care.
Besides, you claim that your facilities are more secured that our own devices, surely yes. But not allowing syncing with your cloud, means that customers who bought a licence don’t have have the same security level than membership ones. From a CRM point, that’s just awful. And if I want to go membership and I bought a license, couldn’t there be some sort of discount even a pro-rata temporis type?Amongst any communities, there’re what’s called a silent majority. So even though you’re not receiving many requests, doesn’t mean that there are not many people that want that feature. Plus 1Password must think this as a way to distinguish yourself from others, because in my opinion, if was not for wifey syncing I’m not sure I had have gone with 1Password.
I hope the teams working on 1Password will see the benefits of adding a feature that cannot be found anywhere else on the market, or at least I don’t know another solution having WiFi syncing.
In the meantime I’ll probably sync my password with 1Password 4, or I’ll try to find another solution.
I wish to agilebits teams a good day.
Alexandre Gillot.
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@Alexandre: Thanks for sharing your thoughts, and for the kind words. Most of this has been gone over already above, so I'll be "brief", but I did want to address specific points you raised:
I don’t want that kind of data to be on any cloud, either your facilities are more secured than my own devices. Plus as a I live in Europe I’m not really fan having my data on another continent, answering to foreign laws. But that’s another debate.
It doesn't need to be. We've had 1Password.eu up and running for a couple years now I think (I forget the exact time frame). We've got a few options here.
- 1Password.com: N. Virginia, USA:
- 1Password.ca: Montreal, Canada:
- 1Password.eu: Frankfurt, Germany:
Regarding law enforcement, while it is within our power to turn over encrypted data, there is a high bar that must be met before we will even do that, in accordance with Canadian Law. And then, again, that would only be encrypted data, which authorities could just as easily get from your own devices. They don't really need us, because they can't actually get access to your data from us, and they can get what they do need only from you.
Information for Law Enforcement
We just don't have the kind of information that would be useful to anyone targeting 1Password users, whether that be malicious hackers or governments, and that makes 1Password a much less interesting target for both.
Anyway, I saw the other of way of syncing my passwords in my configuration : membership or Dropbox. There’s no way I’d put that kind of data in the hands of a third party. Can you guarantee at 100% the same amount of security than with your own process?
Yep. 1Password data is end-to-end encrypted, so 1Password simply doesn't depend on the sync service to protect your data. 1Password's security model does not rely on the transport or storage layer.
Besides, you claim that your facilities are more secured that our own devices, surely yes. But not allowing syncing with your cloud, means that customers who bought a licence don’t have have the same security level than membership ones. From a CRM point, that’s just awful. And if I want to go membership and I bought a license, couldn’t there be some sort of discount even a pro-rata temporis type?
You get what you pay for. Each product is priced and sold based on what goes into developing, testing, and supporting it. If you bought a license for 1Password for Windows version 7, you get the features that product includes. Similarly, if you pay for a 1Password membership subscription, you get its features and benefits. But absolutely if you'd like to make the transition from one to the other, we can help. Just shoot us an email at sales@1password.com with the details and I'm sure we can work something out for you. :)
0 - 1Password.com: N. Virginia, USA:
Thanks for the replies. Unfortunately I don’t have much time to spend reading all the discussion, but if I could have I would have.
I’ll see if the solution with Dropbox is enough for me then, thank you again for the replies concerning data privacy regarding laws being different from one country to another.A great day to all of you.
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You're very welcome. Have a great day! :)
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I've been using 1Password4 for Windows for a very long time. The extension of chrome worked for me well until the last days. After some time of research I found this thread and read all of it.
For my part I considered upgrading to 1Password7 until I realized through this thread that the wlan sync feature is no longer included. To keep myself short, I could only repeat the statement of Alexandre, who spoke out of my heart. I only see one way out of my dilemma.
For the time being I will use Firefox as my alternative to chrome, but will eventually switch to another password manager. I really love 1Password and would have gladly subscribed even to your service, because I believe that a good service (and software) has the right to name a fair price. But the missing wlan sync is a no go for me. I don't use drop box. An option via OneDrive would perhaps do it for me, but this is not there either.
Considering how long this thread exists and your statements stay the same I don't think there is any hope that the feature will come any time near if ever. Therefore I thank you for the time I used your software, which made my life a lot more comfortable for several years.
But I found an alternative which has anounced to include a wlan sync in one of their next updates and will switch to that. Perhaps you reconsider in the future so I will have again a choice to return.
Thanks again
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Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts with us, @Rhodan! I greatly appreciate it.
I hope you take a moment to add your name to the WLAN Sync Newsletter so we can properly gauge the interest.
I'm also love to hear more from you on why you consider OneDrive a viable alternative. Do they provide peer-to-peer syncing? I thought it relied on the cloud. 🤔
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Coming up on a year, wanted to see if you guys added this yet. Doesn't look like it. Be back in another year. Hopefully one day I can pay you for a usable local storage product with all my devices.
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Thanks for your reply @dteare. The reason I would consider OneDrive is because I already use it and have a subscription with MS. I don't know if it is a viable solution from the technical side. But adding iCloud through the use of my iphone, I just don't need another cloud service, even for free, to exchange data with just one app. But I would prefer to get my passwords totally not in the cloud at all. Will add my name to the newsletter list.
Keep up the good work. :)
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I'm waiting impatiently for the day WLAN sync option is included in 1Password 7 for Windows... the lack of this feature makes me feel disappointed as I'm ready to spend some more money for your (almost) great app but if there is no WLAN sync option it makes it insufficient for my needs... please... Agilebits Team, listen to the people.