Endless list of 1Password 7 processes running

Community Member
edited April 2023 in 1Password 3 – 7 for Mac

I quit 1Password on my Mac and I was still seeing a 1Password window (with the purple frame) that refused to go away.
I opened up the activity monitor to see what was going on and noticed an endless list of 1Password 7 processes running in the background…

One of them was for the 1Password app (though it should no longer have been running and was not in the Dock). I used the Activity monitor to quit it and everything went back to normal (purple framed window gone, all processes no longer running).


1Password Version: 7.0b1
Extension Version: 7.0b1
OS Version: 10.13.3
Sync Type: Dropbox



  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @cortig - that definitely shouldn't be happening. I have only the proper processes running here, using the same macOS and 1Password 7 for Mac beta. You'll want to at least log out and back in, if not restart your Mac. Let us know if that problem persists.

  • @cortig,

    Its a known issue that has a fix in the pipeline for b2.


  • cortig
    Community Member

    After that, I launched the app again and the list is a lot more reasonable now:

    Not sure why I see Web Content and Networking twice, but I wanted to wait a little longer to see if it happens again.


  • cortig
    Community Member

    Thanks for letting me know @rudy


  • :+1: :)


  • Dianeoforegon
    Community Member

    Saw similar behavior. Quit 1Password and now I only have 3 processes showing.

  • Thanks. We do have plans to have this fixed for the next beta update.


  • thightower
    Community Member

    Just curious if this is intended ? Doubtful, but nonetheless,

    1Password Version: 7 b1
    Extension Version: n/a
    OS Version: 10..13.3
    Sync Type: fam

  • @thightower

    Definitely not intentional. Please see above. :)

    Also 👋


  • thightower
    Community Member

    @ben, Ah missed it thanks for the assist.

  • No worries. With all the activity here today I can't blame anyone for missing a thread! :)


  • cortig
    Community Member

    The issue seems to have been addressed in β3 :-)
    At least at this point I don't have duplicate processes running.


  • Excellent. Thanks for the update. :)


  • thightower
    Community Member
    edited April 2018


    Just poping in to say I am seeing multiple process in beta 5

    4 web content and 4 networking

  • steve28236
    Community Member

    Yep, confirming this bug is still present in Beta 5.

  • TonyHall
    Community Member
    edited April 2018

    I can also confirm that this is happening with beta 5 (running on macOS 10.12.6).

    An easy way (I've found) to populate your Activity Monitor with these repeating '1Password 7 Networking' and '1Password 7 Web Content' processes is to view item details (such as Favourites or Secure Notes) in 1P Mini or browser extension (seen in both Firefox and Safari).

    For example - for every Secure Note content I view, a new pair of Networking and Web Content processes appears in Activity Monitor. This is when viewing Secure Notes in any way, ie. via 1P App, Mini or browser.

    Quitting 1P Completely (selecting the quit command from the 1P Mini dropdown while holding the Option key) will remove these processes...or rebooting.

  • Master0
    Community Member

    I have the same problem in beta 5.

  • Hi all,

    You will get a few of those processes when you look at a notes field. To format markdown it uses a webview. The view doesn't connect anywhere but still must spawn those processes. That is done automatically by the operating system. We are tracking down a situation where some are left behind after editing, but you shouldn't see more than two to four at most after beta 5. If you do, please confirm.


  • TonyHall
    Community Member

    but you shouldn't see more than two to four at most after beta 5. If you do, please confirm.

    The relentless spawning of these processes still occurs in Beta 6.

  • steve28236
    Community Member
    edited April 2018

    Confirmed. Beta 6 has not fixed this issue.

    EDIT: Possibly spoke too soon. They do seem to spawn, but 1P appears to be aggressively shutting them down at irregular intervals.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @steve23094 - yup, that's what we'd have expected (your edit, I mean). Thanks for the update. :)

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @TonyHall -- spawning, yes, as Kevin described above. The question is: do they stay around? Or are they being shut down when finished?

  • TonyHall
    Community Member

    Okay, I had another play...

    I spawned a load of processes by viewing various Secure Notes in 1P mini (ran the cursor up and down the list a few times), then waited 25 minutes (is that long enough?).

    A small number of the processes appear to have been killed (no numbers, just judging by the size of Activity Monitor's scroll bar - not very scientific I know ;) ) but it appears to have settled and still left a screenful of open processes.

    I'll leave things alone for a wee while. If the majority of processes are killed off I'll let you know, but nothing seems to be changing anymore.

  • TonyHall
    Community Member

    2½ hours later - no change, I still have an Activity Monitor filled with these processes.

  • Master0
    Community Member

    I think the problem seems to have been solved for me.
    After quitting 1Password completely and re-open I see the following 3 processes in activity monitor:

    1Password 7
    1Password Extension Helper

    When I view the Secure Notes, I see these 5 processes:
    1Password 7
    1Password 7 Networking
    1Password 7 Web Content
    1Password Extension Helper

    When I close 1Password (CMD + Q) I see the same 5 processes as above. Is that normal?

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @Master0 - Yes, that's completely normal. As Kevin said above, we have to spawn web processes in order to render Markdown in notes. You may see these come and go, but the issue where they were being spawned but never dismissed should be gone now. Let us know if you think that's not the case, however!

    • For the record, the processes you see are:
    • 1Password 7 - yup, this is the main app. :)
    • 1Password 7 Networking - part of web view, may come and go as you render or edit notes
    • 1Password 7 Web Content - part of web view, may come and go as you render or edit notes
    • 1Password Extension Helper - what used to be called "mini", for lack of a better word, should be present unless you explicitly disable it.
    • 1PasswordNativeMessageHost - required for interprocess communication (that used to be handled by websockets) to the extension

    Let us know if you notice anything unusual beyond these that A) don't have an obvious function and B) don't seem to go away on their own after a while -- especially if they're present after a restart. Thanks for helping us beta-test 1Password 7 for Mac! :)

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni
    edited April 2018

    @TonyHall - sorry to hear you're still having issues. Can you update please to 7.0.BETA-6, and let us know if you still see this? Also, what version of macOS are you running?

  • Master0
    Community Member

    @Lars, Whoops, i missed that.
    Thanks for the info. :)

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @Master0 - no worries! Beta time always results in a lot of data/questions floating around at the same time; it's hard to keep track of! :)

  • hafm
    Community Member

    @Lars - I am running 1P7_b6 and I am still getting a long list of 1P Networking and 1P Web Content activities within Activity Monitor.

    MacOS 10.13.4

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