1Password Updater cannot be opened because of a problem

Community Member
edited April 2023 in 1Password 3 – 7 for Mac

In the 7.0 beta, going to Preferences → Updates → Check Now results in the dialog below.

The full crash report is available here: https://s.csuhta.com/NJ7dLkX1CH.txt

1Password Version: 7.0.BETA-1 (70000001)
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: 10.13.3 (17D102)
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Hmm. I'm not able to reproduce this issue here, but thank you for the crash report. I'll have our development team review it. In the mean time have you tried uninstalling and reinstalling 1Password? If not that is what I'd recommend.



  • csuhta
    Community Member

    Yep, I've tried re-installing it.

    Let me know if I can help by providing any other information. 😄

  • mwdiers
    Community Member

    I have the same problem. In fact, the Extension Helper fails to launch with the same issue: the AgileLibrary is not found.

  • Hi folks.

    Please make sure 1Password is in your /Applications folder. It cannot run properly from the Downloads folder or elsewhere.



  • alexclst
    Community Member

    That happened to me at first. Now it is saying there is an update but constantly fails to extract it. Especially for betas the update system should be in good shape before any public release...

  • We had some issues deploying beta 2 and had to pull the update. It should hopefully be available tomorrow.


  • FolsomRider
    Community Member

    The update was downloaded but the extraction was unsuccessful. Tried quite a few times with the same lack of success :)

  • Unfortunately it isn't going to be possible to install the update tonight. Fingers crossed for a successful deployment tomorrow.


  • csuhta
    Community Member

    @Ben This issue cleared up for me when I downloaded and ran the beta-3 .pkg at https://app-updates.agilebits.com/download/OPM7/Y

    Previously I downloaded 1Password 7.app from a link on this article:
    It downloaded just the .app, no .pkg file. (Did your team update the link?)

  • Thanks for the update.

    We did change. The intention was to distribute the installer (.pkg) as that puts 1Password in the correct place (/Applications), but the initial rollout ended up linking to the .zip file instead. The installer is the way to go. :)


  • yum9me
    Community Member

    I saw the same behaviour when checking for updates in beta-3. It works as expected if the 'include beta builds' option is checked, it crashes if the checkbox is not checked.

  • Hi @yum9me

    Did you install beta 3 through the updater, the installer (.pkg), or the zip file? Is 1Password 7 installed in the /Applications folder?


  • dem
    Community Member

    I see the same behavior as @yum9me. I installed beta 3 from the .pkg (over the beta 1 zip in /Applications). I'm running macOS 10.12.6 with 1Password 6 still installed.

  • @dem Thanks for letting us know. Could you try zipping 1Password 6, then running the updater again? You should not be using 1Password 6 alongside 1Password 7, as it causes all sorts of issues. :)

  • dem
    Community Member

    No change in behavior after zipping then deleting 1Password 6 and reinstalling 7 b3 from the pkg. Unless "Include beta builds" is selected the updater crashes with:

    Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: 'NSConcreteAttributedString initWithString:: nil value'

    When reading the blog post and release notes for 7 I missed any instructions to delete 6 first. I bet many beta testers have both installed.

    On a related note, the pkg leaves the file /Applications/1Password 7.app.zip behind after it completes.

  • You can technically have both installed so long as one is completely quit before starting the other. For most folks we would not recommend this arrangement, as Jacob mentioned it can cause significant problems especially with the extensions.

    It does appear having beta updates enabled is required in order for the app to not crash when updating. I have filed an issue with our development team to look at that.



  • Ah thanks for clarifying @dem. "Include beta builds" needs to be selected, since the app updates server doesn't have any stable ones for 1Password 7 right now. ;) When a stable version is released, beta builds will be disabled. For the second issue, let us know if that happens again on the next beta update.

  • dem
    Community Member

    The updater installed beta 4 on its own and didn't leave a zip file in /Applications.

  • @dem,

    The Updater doesn't make use of the pkg for install. The pkg is creating the zip if one doesn't exist as a means for you to easily go back to your prior version if you attempt to install the pkg version over top of a pre-existing install. 1Password 6's installer by comparison simply removes the binary entirely before doing the install. This is to prevent the Installer from creating a corrupt binary that is part what was there and part new from the pkg.


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