Markdown syntax guide for 1Password 7 beta


Hey all,

Markdown is coming to 1Password 7 for Mac! If you’re using the latest beta release, you can start start adding rich formatting to your notes today.

Formatting your notes is easy even if you're new to Markdown. When you edit a secure note or note field, use the syntax below to add style and structure to your note. Save the item, and you'll see a beautifully styled note.

Markdown Syntax

  • Headings: # Heading 1, ## Heading 2, ### Heading 3
  • Bold: **bold text**
  • Italic: _italic text_
  • Strikethrough: ~~strikethrough~~
  • Link:
  • Dividing line: ---
  • ● Bulleted list: * List item
  • 1. Numbered list: 1. List item
  • > Quotation: > Quoted text
  • code: `code`
  • pre-formatted text:
    pre-formatted text

The supported syntax is still being refined and may change before 1Password 7 is released, so please share your feedback as well as any formatting bugs you run into in the beta forum.

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