1P7beta5: strange behaviour of 1P-mini in menubar

Community Member
edited April 2023 in 1Password 3 – 7 for Mac

When 1P is open but locked, a click on the icon just turns it blue - no panel.

When 1P is open and unlocked, a click on the icon sometimes shows the panel, sometimes not. But each time it makes the 1P window disappear and it can only be shown again via the window-menu.

1Password Version: 1Password 7 Version 7.0.BETA-5 (70000005) AgileBit
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: 10.13.4
Sync Type: AgileBits


  • Thomas_U
    Community Member

    I also just noticed that hiding 1P by command-H or menu does not work.

  • Gilles9
    Community Member

    "When 1P is open but locked, a click on the icon just turns it blue - no panel."

    I see this as well, and sometimes it gets stuck in blue, and nothing works

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    Hey @Thomas_U and @Gilles9 - sorry for the trouble! Unfortunately, I'm not seeing anything at all like that in my own installation, using 10.13.4 and 7.0BETA-5. I'm able to hide 1Password using either ⌘H or the menu item. Also, when locked, 1Password should always display the Master Password entry field; there shouldn't be a time when that's NOT the case. Can you both please try restarting your Macs, and see if you can reproduce this problem consistently? Let us know what you discover! :)

  • Gilles9
    Community Member

    unfortunately it is not consistent, it just happened a minute ago
    after a recent restart
    cannot see (yet) what sequence creates this
    ( my issue is, the Finder's Menu bar 1P icon gets stuck blue and somehow frozen, stuck blue and inactive; I have to use the icon in Safari to launch the 1P application to fix this...the only consistent thing is it only happens when Safari is running ( of course... you could say )...maybe it interferes with Safari's passwords, which sometimes pops up the password suggestion

    Anyways, if I find the pattern to recreate this consistenly I'll advise here

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @Gilles9 - thanks for keeping us up-to-date on this. :)

  • Gilles9
    Community Member

    I am on this very page
    If I click on the 1P icon ( Finder's menu bar ) about 4 times ( waiting a second in between clicks, and maybe clicking in Safari's windows, it finally freezes blue, can't say for sure but it seems it is when clicking on the side ( circle) of the icon
    I coud repruce a few times before I started typing this answer, so it was this page in view only

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @Gilles9 - Is your copy of 1Password 7 unlocked when you're doing this? Because when I do that same thing, I get the expected mini window. Even if 1Password were locked, you should still see the unlock screen. You're not seeing either one of those things during those first four clicks?

  • Thomas_U
    Community Member

    In the last hour I did several restarts and tried out different settings. Before the last restart I cleaned out all caches (using Cocktail.app) and quit almost all other applications and menu-items.

    Result: There is no pattern. No matter if Safari is open or not, no matter if 1P7beta5 is unlocked or not, sometimes the 1P-mini menu-icon just turns and stays blue, sometimes the panel appears.

    Is there any log file I could send you to find out what happens?

    1Password Version: 1Password 7 Version 7.0.BETA-5 (70000005) AgileBit
    Extension Version: Not Provided
    OS Version: 10.13.4
    Sync Type: AgileBits

  • Gilles9
    Community Member

    yes unlocked, through the clicks all behave normally, locked or not, until it freezes on blue
    that is all I can see
    no definitive patterns ( of course normallly one does not click on the icon for nothing ) but it happens randomly

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @Thomas_U - if you get the crash reporting window, send it in -- and use the same email address you used to register for this forum. I'd like to ask you to create a diagnostics report from your Mac:


    Please add the following code (including the square brackets) to the Subject line of your diagnostics email before sending it:


    This will link your diagnostics to our current discussion. We'll take a look and let you know what we find out.

    For anyone else reading, please note: this ID is for @Thomas_U only. If you’re experiencing the same issue and need help, please ask us for your own ID.

    ref: QYX-82934-262

  • Thomas_U
    Community Member
    edited April 2018

    @Lars: Can do but I don´t yet understand where to send the report. support@agilebits.com ?

    edit: OK, found the info, report has been sent. Before creating the report I checked that 1P was unlocked and the icon was blue and not responding.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @Thomas_U - thanks! Someone will be with you shortly; let's keep the conversation going over there. :)

  • Thomas_U
    Community Member

    update: problem persists in beta 7. @Lars: So far nobody contacted me...

    sidenote: 1P updater crashes when clicking "Check for Updates...", it also crashed after finishing update beta 7.

  • Thomas_U
    Community Member

    correction: not beta 7 but beta 6!

    Another observation:

    1P is open but locked and in the background. I click on the menubar icon and it just turns blue, I leave the mouse-pointer there, I switch to 1P.app by command-Tab: Now the 1Pmini-unlock-window suddenly shows but not the app-window.

    This could be a hint that all this is connected to window-handling/-management.

    Also: Command-H and "Hide 1Password" from the menu still does not work in beta 6.

  • Thomas_U
    Community Member

    I just read in an - unrelated - blogpost that Apple made some substantial changes to the window-server in the macOS 10.13.4 update. Maybe that´s the cause of our problem.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @Thomas_U - looks like my colleague littlebobbytables has replied to your email; let's keep the conversation going over there, as this is likely to get specific to your individual setup and thus details probably shouldn't be on this public forum. Thanks! :)

  • Thomas_U
    Community Member

    I am happy to report that my issues seem to be resolved in 1P7 beta 10, at least they have not shown since May 1st.

    kind regards

  • Absolute
    Community Member

    I still get this problem, in that I click on 1P-mini and it turns Blue but nothing happens, no access to logins etc.
    This only seems to happen when in Safari. After a while the mini responds and lets me use my logins again.
    I'm on Version 7.0.BETA-10 (70000010)
    I've just some more tests and it seems that it takes at least 3 seconds before the mini menu shows my vault data

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @Thomas_U: Thanks for letting us know! I'm glad the latest beta has helped you. :)

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @Mike of Oxford: I'm sorry you're still having some trouble though. We're working on some things that will help, hopefully not too far away in a future beta update. Thanks for hanging in there, and for participating in the beta! :)

This discussion has been closed.