Beta 7 fixed width note fonts not sticking?

Community Member
edited April 2023 in 1Password 3 – 7 for Mac

For years I've been really wanting fixed width note fonts. I often use work notes for storing things related to development and need to easily distinguish between the letter "l" and a number "1." I see that I can edit the note and change the font to a fixed width font of my choosing, but when I hit "save" it goes back to the default sans-serif font?

1Password Version: 1Password 7 Version 7.0.BETA-5 (70000005) AgileBit
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: OS X
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Hey @rickcr! It very well may have fixed that. Secure Notes in 1Password 7 support Markdown formatting, so they display differently than 1Password 6. Could you post a screenshot of what you're seeing before and after saving the item so I have a better idea of what to look for?

  • rickcr
    Community Member
    edited May 2018

    Sorry for the late reply... didn't get notified you commented. Here are some screen shots .. but first . the steps
    1) Created new secure note
    2) Typed some text (by default it's not fixed width)
    3) Highlighted the text. Right clicked and selected Courier New. (You see text correctly change)
    4) Click save
    5) note never saved as courier new.

    Type Note

    Edit Note and Save

    View Note just saved

  • @rickcr,

    Thanks for the images. Custom fonts in secure notes is not supported at this time. Its something we've definitely got on our minds as a future improvement.


  • rickcr
    Community Member

    Ok, that's a real shame. I hope it becomes available. As a developer, storing a lot of developer notes, and not being able to quickly distinguish between a 'number 1' and a "lower-case letter L" is annoying.
    I found a way I can sort of get around it using the pre-formatted text markdown around everything (although, as soon as you go to edit you're back with the set sans-serif font when editing.)

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni
    edited May 2018

    @rickcr: Indeed! The problem is what happens when you don't have the fonts you set — for example on iOS, Windows, Android, etc? As you mentioned, you can, however, use "code" and "preformatted text" in Markdown to get fixed-width text:

    Markdown syntax guide for 1Password 7 beta

    And we'll continue to refine the markdown support over time as well. Cheers! :)

  • rickcr
    Community Member

    @brenty yea I see the cross device issue. Don't devices have a default fixed with font? If so, maybe an option to toggle between fixed-width and default sans-serif (which includes the editor.) Anyway, thanks for considering it.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni
    edited May 2018

    @rickcr: Indeed, I think that makes sense. But that's how it works now, with regular text and preformatted/code. As far as I can tell, Markdown doesn't support text transforms like specifying custom fonts, so I'm not sure it makes sense for us to tack something like that on. After all, 1Password isn't a text editor, and there are plenty of great rich text apps out there already. And we definitely don't want to support HTML outright, as there are security implications for that far beyond those we've limited Markdown support to protect against. But these are things we'll continue to evaluate as we develop future versions. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this! :)

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