1P7b5 Folder Sorting

Community Member
edited April 2023 in 1Password 3 – 7 for Mac

I hate to be the one bringing up old issues, yet again.... but I've been complaining about this since 1P3.

I just installed/bought the 1Password 7 beta.

I noticed that the Folders/Smart Folders situation is still not sorting properly.

Currently, Smart Folders & Regular Folders are all sorted together alphabetically all jumped up! This is NOT how Apple does it.

1Password does to following sorting:
A (Folder)
B (Smart Folder)
C (Folder)
D (Smart Folder)
E (Folder)
F (Smart Folder)

The correct sorting should be:
A (Folder)
C (Folder)
E (Folder)
B (Smart Folder)
D (Smart Folder)
F (Smart Folder)

Please fix this after many years of asking. I used to be super active and contributing to the Agilebits Forums and a super evangelist, but years of ignoring this one request has taken it's toll.

1Password Version: 7b5
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: High Sierra
Sync Type: Dropbox


  • HenryY
    Community Member

    In fact, the only reason I even upgraded to 7 was in the hopes that this bug would finally be fixed. ='(

  • Hi @HenryY,

    This isn’t a bug; it is working as intended. That said, we certainly appreciate the feedback. Smart Folders are due for a major overhaul... at present they use Apple-specific technology and as such aren’t cross platform compatible and don’t work with 1Password.com. Perhaps as part of that overhaul, when it comes, we can evaluate how to best group/arrange them.



  • HenryY
    Community Member

    Hi @Ben,

    Thank you for replying. I can understand if you feel that it is working as intended, but IMO, it's an egregious user-interface flaw.

    It's enough for me to stop evangelizing for 1Password.

    This doesn't fit how Apple's built in application's user interface works for sorting folders/smart-folders (like iTunes), and for a Mac-centric app, that should be the standard.

  • HenryY
    Community Member
    edited April 2018

    I feel very, very strongly about this issue, and am about to request a refund for due to the unsatisfactory answers after 4 licenses and a t-shirt purchase + years of neglect. Due to the comment that "it is working as intended", i'm tempted to start actively evangelizing AGAINST 1Password. Way to go in alienating your fans.

  • HenryY
    Community Member

    Actually, this is a better example. The PROPER sort order should be:

    Notice SMART Playlists are sorted before Playlists regardless of alphanumeric order?

  • HenryY
    Community Member
    edited April 2018

    @dteare @MikeT I've had at least 5 previous threads on this subject since 2014. Even the Windows version behaves "correctly" while the Mac version is broken. It's been YEARS. The last person to close my last thread years ago was also @Ben. How hard is it to do a simple sort order fix? You say it's not a big requested feature because not a lot of people use it? Well, just like you said not a lot of people use License vs. Membership also. Those of us that do use it, however, feel extremely strongly about this. I swear, every other piece of software out there does this correctly. I feel that Agilebits has been extremely condescending towards me for this issue. I've been a paid user since 1Password 2 and am big enough of a fan that I went out and purchased 1P7 beta as soon as I received an email notifying me of it's existence in hope that this bug is finally fixed. I even got my employer to purchase a Team subscription. As an engineer myself, I know this is not hard to implement. If you're not even going to put this issue on your radar, then at least refund me so I can start telling everyone on social media to start using alternative apps.

  • HenryY
    Community Member

    And have you ever thought about why Smart Folders in 1Password are not more popular? It’s because your implementation on OSX is broken!

  • Hi @HenryY,

    You're right, this is not how Apple does it and we should fix that. We care deeply about taking cues from each operating system and are big believers in the 'ol "While in Rome do what the Romans do" adage. Having consistent user interfaces for each OS is important.

    If I had XCode running properly on my machine here I'd attempt to do so right now. Instead I'll poke a few people and see if we can get this rolling but I gotta say this is not our priority at the moment so if it ends up being tricky for whatever reason, I am not going to allow this to stop the 1Password 7 release train.

    One of the biggest reasons why this issue doesn't burn my bacon is because I have no folders whatsoever. When I did have Smart Folders way back when, I only had Smart Folders. So it simply wasn't an issue for me. I eventually stopped using Smart Folders all together as well as we stored them using a Mac OS X proprietary format so they didn't work on Android and Windows (iirc iOS couldn't parse them either, but that was a long time ago so I may be misremembering that part). Anyway, I had a year long affair with Android there and during that time I got rid of my Smart Folders entirely and am now only using vaults and tags for organization.

    So I agree with you 100%. Our implementation of Smart Folders on macOS is broken. But for different reasons than our chosen sort order. It's because they are not cross platform compatible and so it's hard to make them part of your daily workflow.

    There's a part of me that does miss Smart Folders (they simply don't exist for 1Password memberships) and I can see us bringing them back someday. In the meantime I'll see if we can change the sorting for those like yourself with standalone vaults.

    Thank you for your passion here, Henry. It's great to see. ❤️

  • HenryY
    Community Member


    Thank you for your response. As someone who has 1799 items in my vault, I like to keep things meticulously sorted and organized with tags, folders, and smart folders. Being told that something I use and look at every day is "functioning as designed" when I can see that it doesn't mimic the user-interface behavior of any other software was just incredibly frustrating, especially since I've been complaining about this one topic for the past 4 years. I understand that it's a seldom used feature for the majority of your user base, but for us longtime users that have lots of data, it is incredibly important. Part of the reason is that it let us replicate features since removed from previous version of 1Password (wallet, etc). I understand that this is a much lower priority (as it is a cosmetic issue) than getting the software out, but I just wanted to get the issue on somebody's radar rather than being constantly ignored as I have been for the past four years. Thank you.

  • HenryY
    Community Member
    edited April 2018

    As a side note, the need for the new 1P7 functionality of nested tags could've been avoided altogether if tags, smart folders, & folders were grouped together inside the sidebar like they are in apps like Apple's Mail.app. Tags could just be sorted into folders, together with Smart Folders and other items.

  • On behalf of Dave, you're welcome. Nested tags were introduced so folks with 1Password accounts could use them, since those don't support folders. :)

  • @HenryY: check for updates. 😘

  • HenryY
    Community Member

    Wow you guys fixed the issue. Thank you soooooooo much!

  • HenryY
    Community Member

    BTW, it's still sorted the old way in 1Password Mini. Thanks again!

  • You’re very welcome, Henry.

This discussion has been closed.