I am trying to import logins from version 6 to version 7 and there are no instructions to assist.

Community Member
edited April 2023 in 1Password 3 – 7 for Mac

I am trying to import the logins from version 6 to a newly purchased version 7 on my iMac. I cannot find any instructions to help and am baffled. Can you help please?

A comment, so far I am finding Version 7 far too complicated compared to Version 6

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:import


  • Stephen_C
    Community Member

    Can you be a little more specific, please? If would help, for example, to know:

    • Whether you're using the stand alone version or whether you have subscribed to 1Password.com
    • Exactly where the logins are that you're unable to import (for example, are they in Dropbox or iCloud, or on 1Password servers?)
    • Exactly what happened when you installed 1Password 7 and ran it for the first time
    • Whether you still have 1Password 6 on your computer

    The only reason I've asked the questions is that, in my case, when I installed and ran the beta the migration of my data from 1Password 6 happened quickly and completely automatically.


  • NTHistory
    Community Member

    I have a subscription with 1Password

    1Password servers (I presume) I have them located in an agile keychain

    When I rang for the first time I got into a whole range of things to do ie add a barcode etc. Followed all that and I have a NEW login file with nothing in it

    I still have 1Password 6 on the computer

    On installing the beta it has been a disaster of huge proportions in trying to get it up nd running, nothing seems to work and I am having to use 6 as well as 7

  • Stephen_C
    Community Member

    Thank you for the detailed additional helpful information. I'm merely an ordinary user trying to help but as I use a stand alone licence I'll leave it for an AgileBits expert to come along later and give you some help.


  • NTHistory
    Community Member

    Thank you anyway, appreciate your efforts.

  • Hey @NTHistory! I’d be happy to help. To clarify one thing before we get things started:

    1Password servers (I presume) I have them located in an agile keychain

    Do you mean that your data is in an AgileKeychain vault right now, or that you presume 1Password accounts use that format? If it's the latter, 1Password accounts don't use that vault format, but rather one for 1Password.com. When you set up 1Password 7, you should have been prompted to import your existing data. If you weren't, is it in Dropbox, iCloud, or somewhere else right now?

  • NTHistory
    Community Member

    In the keychain vault and was not prompted to import.

  • @NTHistory Okay good to know. I see you emailed us as well, and I'm going to keep the conversation going there since we'll need to get a Diagnostics Report for some further details about what happened. Talk to you in a bit!

    ref: XJY-13234-647

  • NTHistory
    Community Member

    Managed to solve the issue. For others who might experience a similar problem I will go through how I solved the issue. The issue was that I could not get my existing files from 1Password 6 to move across to 1 Password 7. Then, I discovered that the new 7 had put my system into a loop and I could not log out. Tried removing 7 but kept getting an error message that I could not remove 7 because it was in use, even though I had quit. Finally, overcame this by renaming 7 in my application folder and cleared everyone out. Was then able to log out and back in. Downloaded version of 7 again with exactly the same problem and solved by following same procedure. Full disk scan and first aid appeared to overcome some issues of pieces of a program (presumably 7) being scattered in the wrong places. Then downloaded 7 again and that seemed to work OK but did not upload the exisiting files from 6.

    To overcome the latter, I followed the instructions to locate files in 1Password6, located the current file and moved it to my desktop. Then did an import into the new version 7. Locked up again, could not log out or do anything. Scream!

    Followed cleaning procedure as before and then (reluctantly and with trepidation) downloaded a clean version of 7. Loaded fine but still no I'm;port of old files.

    Went through the locate and move current profiles from 6. Try to import from my desktop and bingo files were imported and all now working.

    I hope that might help anyone else experiencing either of the problems that I experienced.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @NTHistory - thanks for sharing what worked for you! :)

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