Duplicate entries in 1Password.com account

Community Member
edited April 2023 in 1Password 3 – 7 for Mac

I upgraded a my work mac to version 7 to-day and opened a 1Password.com account. This evening I have installed version 7 on my home computer and when trying to connect it to my 1Password.com account have ended up with duplicates of all my vault entries in my 1Password.com vault and both my macs and also on my iOS devices.
I have temporarily fixed this by reverting to version 6 and iCloud sync and selecting primary vault on my iOS devices. Is there a way of deleting the 1Password.com vault and starting again? Or an alternative solution?

1Password Version: 6.8.8 (mac app store) and 7 beta
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: OS X 10.13.4
Sync Type: iCloud/ 1Password.com


  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    Welcome to the forum, @LaurenceD! Sorry for the trouble and duplicates. There certainly is a way to solve this -- but before we continue, let me ask you this: do you truly have duplicates in your 1password.com account? Or do you just have the same items in your local Primary vault as you do in the 1password.com account's vault?

    Here's how to find out: sign into your 1password.com account on the web, in your favorite browser. The address is: https://my.1password.com - check to see whether you see duplicates there. If not, then all you'll need to do is make sure to use only your 1password.com account in your 1Password apps. If you DO see duplicates, though, let me know and I'll give you instructions for getting things corrected. In the meantime, please don't make too many changes to your 1Password data.

  • LaurenceD
    Community Member

    Thanks. Yes, definitely duplicates in my 1password.com account- twice as many plus nine (don't know where the extra 9 have come from). I haven't made any changes to my 1password.com data. Gone back to 1Password 6 on my macs and using primary vaults on my iOS devices with iCloud sync.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @LaurenceD - OK, thanks for the clarification. If you've got actual duplicates in your account, then probably the best thing for you to do will be to empty the 1password.com vault(s) -- just trash everything, then empty the trash (as long as you're certain you've got all your 1Password data safely in standalone vaults in 1Password 6 for Mac or even in 7.

    If you're using 1Password 6 for Mac again temporarily, after you trash all your items in your 1password.com account, do this:

    1. Quit 1Password and the Mini by typing ^⌥⌘Q (or just holding down the Control and Option keys as you choose Quit from the 1Password menu). Verify that no 1Password processes are still running by checking in Activity Monitor (inside the Utilities folder in your Applications folder -- make sure it's viewing All Processes, then search on 1Password). Quit any that remain.
    2. Launch 1Password 7 for Mac if you still have it installed, but don't unlock with your Master Password. Instead choose Help > Troubleshooting > Reset all 1Password Data. This will wipe all of the data in 1Password 7 for Mac (but not version 6), then it should quit 1Password 7. Verify no 1Password processes are running once again.
    3. Launch 1Password 6 for Mac, unlock it and do a sync with iCloud (or verify in Preferences > Sync that one was done recently. Make sure your 1Password data is up to date (no unsynced items from other devices, etc).
    4. In 1Password 6 for Mac, sign into your 1password.com account in Preferences > Accounts - click the plus button and either scan your Setup Code or enter your details manually.
    5. Follow these instructions to migrate your 1Password data to your 1password.com account vault. Make sure you select All Items (⌘A), then move, to move all items at once.
    6. Verify all your 1Password data is now securely in your 1password.com account vault and your Primary vault is empty, then delete your Primary vault by visiting Preferences > Advanced and UNchecking the box marked "Allow creation of vaults outside 1Password accounts." This will remove the Primary vault, and leave you running only your 1password.com account.
    7. Quit 1Password 6 and the Mini by typing ^⌥⌘Q (or just holding down the Control and Option keys as you choose Quit from the 1Password menu) once again.
    8. Launch Terminal from within your Utilities folder, and type the following three commands, in order - pressing return/enter after each one. You can also copy/paste into Terminal, then press enter.
      • rm ~/Library/Containers/2BUA8C4S2C.com.agilebits.onepassword-osx-helper/Data/Library/Data/.migrationConsidered
      • rm ~/Library/Application\ Support/1Password\ 4/Data/.migrationConsidered~
      • rm -rf ~/Library/Group\ Containers/2BUA8C4S2C.com.agilebits/Library/Application\ Support/1Password
    9. In Finder, delete 1Password 6 for Mac app. Don't use any app cleaners or uninstallers to do this, as these programs can remove more data than we want them to. Just drag the 1Password 6 app to the Trash.
    10. Launch 1Password 7 for Mac, and it will be as if you are a new user, except that version 7 will once again recognize the data you have in 1Password 6 for Mac, and offer to import it. Click "use selected data" to import.

    This should result in you having only your 1password.com account, with all the correct data in it. On all other devices where you run (or want to run) 1Password, don't transfer anything (because you've already got all your data inside your 1password.com account). And if you're signed into your account in 1Password on those devices, you should already be set, with all the changes reflected and no duplicates. Let us know how you get on! :)

  • LaurenceD
    Community Member

    Thanks very much. I can't see any way to select more that one item at a time in my 1password.com account online. Do I have to trash each entry individually- there are over 1000!

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @LaurenceD - no, that's right; you can only do things one-at-a-time from the 1Password web interface. But let's back up a step here; I thought you had the account already inside either 1Password 6 for Mac or 1Password 7 for Mac. If so, you can perform that step from within 1Password for Mac -- it's much faster that way, as you can use Command+A to select all items, then move to trash.

  • LaurenceD
    Community Member

    Thanks Lars! I seem to be sorted on my work computer and iPhone. Should I go through the same process for deleting 1Password 6 on my home computer and laptop before switching to 1Password 7?

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni
    edited April 2018

    @LaurenceD - it depends. If, looking at your 1password.com account, you consider it to be a complete and up-to-date copy of your 1Password data - meaning NONE of the 1Password data on your home computer or laptop is necessary (because it's already been transferred to your 1password.com account on your work computer) - then the easiest thing to do in both your other Macs will be this:

    1. Open 1Password 6 for Mac if it isn't already, but don't unlock it. If it's unlocked, lock it.
    2. Go to Help > Troubleshooting > Reset all 1Password Data -- (note: this will do what it says: ERASE all 1Password 6 for Mac data, then quit 1Password -- so be certain you're not losing anything you need here)
    3. Drag 1Password 6 to your Mac's Trash and empty the Trash.
    4. Download the 1Password 7 for Mac beta from this link
    5. Run the installer and choose to sign into your existing 1Password account at the Welcome (new user) screen.

    If you think (or you know) you DO have 1Password data on these other devices that was NOT transferred to your 1password.com account vault(s) by the moving you already did on your work computer, then do this instead:

    1. Open 1Password 6 for Mac if it isn't already, and unlock it.
    2. Add your account to 1Password for Mac.
    3. Use these instructions to move any items that weren't captured by the move on your work computer.
    4. Visit Preferences > Advanced and UN-check the box marked "Allow creation of vaults outside of 1password.com accounts". This will remove your Primary vault, and leave you running ONLY your 1password.com account (this is what you want).
    5. Quit 1Password and the Mini by typing ^⌥⌘Q (or just holding down the Control and Option keys as you choose Quit from the 1Password menu)
    6. Download 1Password 7 for Mac from the above link and run the installer.
    7. Choose to import the data from 1Password 6 for Mac. You should see only your account in 1Password 7 for Mac.

    Let me know how that works for you!

  • LaurenceD
    Community Member

    Thanks for your help and patience. Now all sorted!

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @LaurenceD - great! I'm glad to hear things are all set for you; glad I was able to help! :)

This discussion has been closed.