Organize Related Items

Community Member
edited April 2023 in 1Password 3 – 7 for Mac

Hi team,

Is there a way to organize related items?

I have some records that have lots of related items and it would be great to be able to organize them by dragging and dropping vertically throughout the list as we already do with fields.


1Password Version: 7.0.BETA-5 (70000005)
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: 10.13.2 (17C88)
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Jacob
    edited April 2018

    Hey @ruimelo! At the moment the related items list is only available in that order. We've got a few ideas for improvements to those in the future, and a way to reorder them would be quite handy, I agree. Thanks for sharing! :)

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