[Bug] Not saving additional urls for logins

Community Member
edited April 2023 in 1Password 3 – 7 for Mac

The beta is not saving additional urls I add to a login.

1Password Version: 7.0-BETA-6
Extension Version: 7.0-BETA-6
OS Version: 10.13.4
Sync Type: 1password.com


  • Hi @gdhnz

    I’m not seeing that issue on my system. Could you please walk me through the steps you’re taking that cause the issue?


  • gdhnz
    Community Member
    1. Open Password :)
    2. Find the login to modify
    3. Click the edit button
    4. Add an additional website to the list
    5. Save

    I've just tested it when adding a new login and it's not saving the url either.

    I've made a short video of creating a new login that shows the issue.

  • gdhnz
    Community Member

    The same issue also exists when I use 1Password mini to edit a login.

  • invalidptr
    Community Member

    Ah, this is an issue in 1Password 6 that annoys me... there's the Label (named website) and the Field (named web page) - I see this issue in Section. From watching your clip I see that you're putting the URL in the Label (top edit box named website) and leaving the Field blank (bottom edit box named web page). If you leave the Field blank (even if you've set a Label). 1Password will not save either.

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    @gdhnz, @invalidptr is correct in their analysis. In 1Password 6 we had the field label to the left of the actual field and in 1Password 7 we've moved labels to above the field. So where it currently says website or website N (depending on whether you have multiple website fields it really means website label. Where is says webpage is where you want to store the URL. We'll need to try and make that clearer.

  • gdhnz
    Community Member

    Doh, I can't believe I did that. :)

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni
    edited April 2018

    Hello @gdhnz,

    You're not the only person to be caught out so it suggests we need to see if there is something we can do to improve the new look.

    ref: apple-506

  • steve28236
    Community Member

    @littlebobbytables Admission time. I got caught out first time too. I figured it out myself pretty quickly, but it would seem the current set up is not quite as intuitive as you hoped.

  • gdhnz
    Community Member

    I guess it's because the grey text reminds me of a standard html input field with a placeholder.

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Also the placeholder text for the label and field don't really distinguish one from the other, at least in my opinion. A report has been filed, we'll have to see what the decision makers think will help minimise or eliminate the confusion.

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @gdhnz, @invalidptr & @steve23094,

    So it seems like we've updated the placeholder text and attempted to emphasise the field over the label with slightly larger text. Here's what I see when I create a blank Login item inside of 1Password.

    Given you all found the previous attempt confusing (which I fully understand) I'm curious to see if you find this new iteration better or if it's still just a bit too unclear.

  • invalidptr
    Community Member

    @littlebobbytables Wow, this is a tough one.

    • 99% of the time the label website and website n is superfluous
    • 1% of the time I completely flush out website (1 entry has 20+ URLs)

    Modest proposal

    • In the 99% case omit the website label. In view mode, the URL area will be nice and tight. With 1 or 2 URLs on average.
    • In edit mode, include a Add Website Label button. If it's the 1% case where it's important, Add Website Label will give you the option to add important information when you otherwise wouldn't.
  • gdhnz
    Community Member


    The label still looks pretty similar to the placeholder text itself so its hard to see any difference. I wonder if a different shade of grey would work and/or using small caps for labels.

  • Thanks for the continued feedback on this folks. :)


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