Category - Email accounts needs option for webmail accounts

Community Member
edited April 2023 in 1Password 3 – 7 for Mac

Version 7 has prompted me to do some cleanup. I rarely enter anything other than email address and password nowdays since most email clients auto setup accounts. Other than tagging as "Email" I would like to see an option under the Email Account category to add as webmail or add a category "Webmail". While I view email mostly in an app, I often loginto webmail for that account so it would be nice to have them combined. Gmail accounts are usually only webmail.

Since Tagging is currently broken for me, I have found that you can drag an entry to a tag and/or when adding via the browser extension, you can add a tag when you select save as a "Save New Password".

Looking forward to have the option to add a tag alongside Share and Favorites in the top portion of the window.

1Password Version: 1Password 7 Version 7.0.BETA-6 (70000006) AgileBit
Extension Version: Beta 6
OS Version: 10.13.5 build 1
Sync Type: 1Password subscription


  • Hi @Dianeoforegon,

    I always use Login items instead of Email items for webmail accounts... What benefit are you getting by using the Email category for accounts like Gmail?

    Please let us know. Would be interested to hear more about your use case.


  • Dianeoforegon
    Community Member

    When I want to view all my email accounts, I would like to see them all in one category. If I use the Email Accounts category, it has all the fields for incoming, outgoing etc that I rarely use.

    I expect I have more email accounts than most folks, but I'm sure I'm not the only person with several accounts.

  • It seems perhaps this is a problem that could be solved with tags, once those are operating as expected? As the email accounts category isn't fill-able it seems it would have limited practical applications for webmail based email.


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