QuickOpen for items with same title

Community Member
edited April 2023 in 1Password 3 – 7 for Mac

Love the new quick open, but I noticed that it's not very helpful when multiple items have the same name.
1Password mini on the other hand shows the username/email address in gray when multiple items share the same name

1Password Version: 7 BETA-5
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni
    edited April 2018

    Greetings @dvcrn,

    I noticed the same thing and we do think behaviour we added to 1Password mini in 1Password 6 (where we display the username to help differentiate) should help make Quick Open even more useful :smile:

    ref: apple-483

    I hope you don't mind but I stole you great screenshot to highlight this as I hadn't gotten round to making one yet myself.

  • dvcrn
    Community Member

    Great! Just wanted to provide some feedback :smile:

  • Hi @dvcrn,

    I'd like to humbly offer a different solution to your problem, if I may. Quick Open searches item titles which is great when your items have unique names, but as you've seen doesn't help when you have many items with the same name. Adding more visual information to the result (e.g. username) doesn't make Quick Open any more accurate.

    If you find Quick Open a useful way to jump to your items, I recommend adding unique information to the item titles. So instead of "Apple", change the name of an item to "Apple - Alice". Because of the fuzzy matching that Quick Open uses, you'll be able to type apal to jump right to "Apple - Alice". That way you'll be able to find your items faster, and won't need to study some grey text to see which item you want.

    Let me know if that helps,

    – Andrew

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