1p7 mini broke one of my common workflows

Community Member
edited April 2023 in 1Password 3 – 7 for Mac

For years using 1Password my workflow for grabbing a password for a non-web use has been:

  • CMD + OPT + \ to bring up 1Password mini
  • search for the login
  • right arrow over to password
  • hit enter to copy the password to the clipboard, with 1password mini closing and getting out of the way

Now with 1Password 7, hitting enter copies the password, but 1Password mini hangs around in the way and focus does not return to my previous app & field

Perhaps I've got something misconfigured, but if this is an intentional change please consider reverting or at least making it optional

1Password Version: 7.0.BETA-6
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: OS X 10.13.4
Sync Type: Dropbox & Teams


  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Greetings @lparry,

    Thanks for the heads up. There is a keyboard shortcut that you may like that will help here and that keyboard shortcut is ⇧⌘C. It copies the password of the selected item from the main menu and it hides the menu in the process. That way it saves drilling into the item details. It's one of my more frequently used keyboard shortcuts and was present in 1Password 6 as well. None of this is to suggest we don't appreciate the bug report though, please do let us know what other issues you come up against while testing the beta :smile:

  • dwash
    Community Member

    I'm seeing the same behavior. In version 6.8.8, when using either @lparry's method or ⇧⌘C, 1Password mini window would close and return focus back to the previous window. With 7.0BETA-6 I have to click in the previous window or ⌘⇥ a couple times to get focus back before pasting the password.

  • Kosiko
    Community Member

    Hm, I used to use the copy combination noted above...
    But in the new 1password 7 beta 6 mini application thsi key combination doesn't work!
    Thats only my problem here?


  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    @dwash & @Kosiko,

    I have a couple of questions. When you next find ⇧⌘C doesn't work:

    1. Is there a system beep?
    2. Does the keyboard shortcut copy the password into the macOS clipboard or does it seem as if the keyboard shortcut is not working?
    3. Does the Login item have both a username and password stored or is it only a password?
  • dwash
    Community Member
    1. No beeps
    2. Shortcut works fine for me– it correctly copies the password to the clipboard
    3. Yes, has both. But when I edit the entry and remove the username, ⇧⌘C no longer copies and error beep is heard. Replacing username fixes it.

    However, focus is still not returned to prior window after 1password mini window closes.

  • Kosiko
    Community Member

    1. Yes
    2. No, the password is not being copied in the clipboard
    3. No, only a password (I tested it with an item with username, here it works!)

    Thanks for the feedback!

  • popthestack
    Community Member
    edited April 2018

    I didn't know about ⇧⌘C. That's very helpful! It closes properly when I use that (with one caveat I'll detail below). Before that though, is there a key combo for copying the one time password? The fact that the mini window doesn't disappear anymore when you copy something out of it also messes with my workflow quite a bit as I'm using it frequently throughout the day.

    Okay, the bug: When I open the mini window and open any of the menus (Favorites, Credit Cards, Password Generator, etc) and then hit escape the focus does not return to where I was before. For example, right now while typing this if I open it up, arrow to something, hit escape, then try to keep typing I get the system "you can't type here" sound.

    The focus is properly restored when:

    • I open the mini window and hit escape without doing anything.
    • Open mini window, search for an item, expand it with the arrow keys, and then hit escape.

    It's only when using the menus on the main screen of the mini window that it messes up.

    (macOS 10.13.4, I'm using beta 8... beta 5 had this issue as well. I didn't try betas 6 or 7)

  • @popthestack,

    Regarding the copy command for OTP codes: see my response regarding the 3 copy command shortcuts and how they work relative to the different item types: https://discussions.agilebits.com/discussion/comment/422688/#Comment_422688


  • popthestack
    Community Member

    @rudy Thank you! That’s perfect.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @popthestack - on behalf of rudy, you're quite welcome! I'm glad that worked for you. :)

  • dwash
    Community Member

    v7 has fixed everything for me. Happy again! Thanks for all the hard work!

  • Thanks for the update @dwash. :)


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