Where can I find & download current Ver 7 beta?

Community Member
edited April 2023 in 1Password 3 – 7 for Mac

The updater for 7.0.BETA-6 keeps crashing on MacOS 10.13.4 (I'm using the stand-alone program with Dropbox); and I therefore assume that the automatic updater will not be able to install the next beta release.

Unfortunately, I cannot find anywhere on the site a listing of the current beta releases that indicates the latest release, nor anywhere to download the latest release so that I can install it indepently of the crashing updater.

The only method I can discover is to keep checking https://app-updates.agilebits.com/download/OPM7/Y to see if it downloads a later version than the one I'm using.

Any better suggestions would be very welcome

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:current beta


  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @archiemac - I do have a suggestion for you: stop checking for updates. No, really. The updater that's built into 1Password 7 for Mac will automatically download new updates for you, so that you don't have to keep remembering to click "Check for Updates" in 1Password's menu. The running updates server for 1Password 7 for Mac beta can be found here if you need it, but things are a little different in the updates department than you may be used to with other software, and certainly than in 1Password for Mac's past.

  • archiemac
    Community Member

    @Lars - I do know about automatic updates. But, as I specifically said in my post, it's the automatic updater that's crashing. There is now a four page thread on the forum about the problem:

    And that's why I - and many others - may, I guess, need to do the next update manually. So thanks for the link to the updates server - just in case!

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @archiemac - can I ask: are you specifically clicking on Check for updates in 1Password menu? Or is the updater just randomly launching itself, then crashing?

  • archiemac
    Community Member
    edited April 2018

    @Lars - It launched without any intervention from me. (I assume it runs, rather like a sort of chron job, to check the server automatically at intervals?) It then said said there was an update available. I clicked to start the download, but my Mac reported that the updater had closed unexpectedly, and offered to send a report to Apple.

    I thought this a bit odd, so I then did a 'check for updates' – i.e. only after that first crash had happened. Of course, the updater crashed again.

    I checked to see if anyone else was seeing the automatic updater crash, and, of course, there were lots of people experiencing this. I assumed the team would be on to this quickly, to issue a fix; but then it struck me that if the updater was crashing, it might be impossible for the team to distribute the fix via an automatic update.

    So I tried to find a beta versions download page on the site, just in case I needed to do a manual install of the new version containing the fix for the updater when it was released; and I had real trouble finding the normal sort of listing of download links for all the beta versions. Hence my question here. Many thanks for supplying the URL.

    Hope this helps.


    PS I should also say that I have not seen the updater run automatically again since, and there have been no other spontaneous starts-and-crashes.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @archiemac - thanks for the update and additional information. The updater shouldn't be running spontaneously on its own, and I'm glad to hear you confirm that it hasn't since. Current version is still 7.0.BETA-6, though I expect with the new week, we'll have a new incremental update pushed soon. Stay tuned, and thanks for your patience. Let us know if you have any further updates. :)

  • archiemac
    Community Member

    @Lars As I expected, the BETA-6 updater crashed this morning when it started automatically to download the BETA-7 update. So I just downloaded the update from the update server you gave me the URL for. :)

    All now working fine. Many thanks!

  • Thanks @archiemac. For anyone else reading we believe we’ve got things set now so that beta 6 should be able to update to beta 7 without crashing.


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