how add comments/feedback?

Community Member
edited April 2023 in 1Password 3 – 7 for Mac

It's not clear to me how or where to put in comments on beta for 1PW 7. I just signed in to the support forum, but there doesn't seem to be any clear direction on how to give you feedback. Can you please assist? Thanks. Gary Macomber

1Password Version: Beta 7 BETA 6
Extension Version: 7.0 BETA 6
OS Version: 10.13.4
Sync Type: iCloud


  • Stephen_C
    Community Member

    You are posting in the right place. Just add a new thread here—or contribute to a relevant existing one—with your comments. This is the forum for the 1Password 7 Mac beta and AgileBits welcomes all constructive comments. :)


  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    Hi RGMacomber,

    In addition to Stephen's helpful answer, there's also information in the Filing Good Bug Reports section of this announcement post:

    Welcome to the 1Password 7 for Mac Beta!

    Thanks for giving the beta a spin and for any feedback you'd like to share with us about it. :chuffed:

  • RGMacomber
    Community Member

    Thanks Stephen_C and sjk. Much appreciated.

    A couple of reactions so far to the beta 7 -

    1. In the credit card section, I am seeing a comment (“terrible”) to the right of the CVC field. Oddly, “terrible” pops up in a pre-formatted section across from the credit card’s CSC #. This # is, by definition, either 3 or 4 digits, and of course is set by the issuing bank, not the user. So calling this out as "terrible" seems a bit odd, and I would hope, not intended. It strikes me that “terrible" as an editorial description of any user’s password is a bit overdone. (Just saying.)

    2. Also, I see that the pre-set categories has not changed from prior. This set of categories would, in my view, be improved considerably if additional categories could be added - either by you folks or by the user (preferable if feasible,) similar to the way the user can create mailboxes in Apple mail, and folders in the Finder generally. For example, I would be very pleased to see additional categories - for such things as property, medical and life insurance, other federal IDs such as TSA Pre, Medicare accounts, State-issued IDs in addition to driver licenses, and the like. Maybe there's a technical reason you can't allow the user to do this, but hopefully your team would be willing to add some additional categories. This is such a useful program in so many ways. It would be nice to see more flexibility here.

  • In the credit card section, I am seeing a comment (“terrible”) to the right of the CVC field. Oddly, “terrible” pops up in a pre-formatted section across from the credit card’s CSC #. This # is, by definition, either 3 or 4 digits, and of course is set by the issuing bank, not the user. So calling this out as "terrible" seems a bit odd, and I would hope, not intended. It strikes me that “terrible" as an editorial description of any user’s password is a bit overdone. (Just saying.)

    Agreed. :) We'll try to do better here.

    Also, I see that the pre-set categories has not changed from prior. This set of categories would, in my view, be improved considerably if additional categories could be added - either by you folks or by the user (preferable if feasible,) similar to the way the user can create mailboxes in Apple mail, and folders in the Finder generally. For example, I would be very pleased to see additional categories - for such things as property, medical and life insurance, other federal IDs such as TSA Pre, Medicare accounts, State-issued IDs in addition to driver licenses, and the like. Maybe there's a technical reason you can't allow the user to do this, but hopefully your team would be willing to add some additional categories. This is such a useful program in so many ways. It would be nice to see more flexibility here.

    We are looking at that aspect, but in the mean time I'd suggest checking out this blog post:

    Secure all the things in Secure Notes - AgileBits Blog

    I hope that helps. Should you have any other questions or concerns, please feel free to ask.


  • RGMacomber
    Community Member

    Thank you Ben, I'll give that post a look. One follow up additional item I wanted to mention - in the Credit Card section, you list major cards, but there is no option for others, so you have to pick one, even though it's not accurate. For example, we have a couple of merchant-issued cards that are proprietary (e.g. Target) with no affiliation to a Visa, MC, Amex, Discover, etc. It would be nice to have the option at least to select "other" here, so the user could make a note about the nature of these merchant card, and also avoid having the logo attached where it doesn't apply. There are likely others as well that I'm not aware of.

  • Ah, yes, I’ve seen this with my own Staples card. Good observation. I can’t make any promises at this point, but I agree it would be nice to have native support for those sorts of accounts.


  • RGMacomber
    Community Member

    Thanks Ben. Much appreciated.

  • :+1: :)


  • RGMacomber
    Community Member

    Hi Ben - I reviewed the post “Secure all the things...” that you suggested. Many good ideas there for using that Notes section for categories that are outside the pre-defined group.

    Megan says that the stock icon for Notes in1PW can be changed - by dragging in a replacement or using the context menu. Neither of those are working for me -perhaps I am missing a step, or does the beta not support those actions? I like the idea of using this section for these “other” groups, but since they are by definition a bit of a dog’s breakfast, it would really be helpful to be able to pick icons for them that would visually distinguish the items.

    Wondering if you can shed any light on this, or direct me if I have taken a wrong turn here?

    Thanks again.


  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @RGMacomber - so, select the Secure Note in question, and click "Edit." Then double-click the notepad icon, and you'll have the opportunity to choose your own custom icon. :)

  • RGMacomber
    Community Member

    Thanks Lars. Will give this a whirl.

  • :+1: :)


  • RGMacomber
    Community Member

    Worked like a charm! Thanks again.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @RGMacomber - great! Glad to hear that helped. :)

This discussion has been closed.