Filling issue with Chrome

This discussion was created from comments split from: I updated to the new 1 Password 7 and now my extension is not working..


  • Desentyer
    Community Member


    I have the same problem on my Mac with Google Chrome (v65.0.3325.181) and the extension v4.7.0.90. Autofill isn't working.

    1Password Version: 1Password 7 Version 7.0.BETA-6 (70000006) AgileBit
    OS Version: OS Sierra 10.12.6
    Sync Type: Dropbox

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hello @Desentyer,

    I've split your post from the other thread because Chrome and Safari are very different matters when it comes to the 1Password 7 beta.

    Does the 1Password mini menu appear if you click on the 1Password Browser Extension button in the Chrome toolbar? This will hopefully help establish at what level the issue lies. If you cannot access 1Password mini at all from the Chrome toolbar it's likely we're looking at a connection issue, if the 1Password mini menu appears then we'll be looking at something else.

  • Desentyer
    Community Member


    yes it appears!


  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hello @Desentyer,

    So 1Password mini appears, that at least tells us that there is a connection between the extension and 1Password.

    Given this I think the easiest/quickest path forward is via a diagnostic report. Can you create one please and send it in. This link will guide you through the steps and has sections for the various supported versions of 1Password.

    How to send a 1Password diagnostics report

    Please do not post your Diagnostics Report in the forums

    The email address you will want to use is

    Along with the diagnostic report can you supply a couple of answers as well.

    1. Does 1Password correctly display the matching Login items for the open page in Chrome?
    2. Is it that after selecting a Login item no fields are filled?
    3. Is there any message above the search field in the 1Password mini menu?

    Once you've sent the report you should received an automated response from us with a ticket ID. If you can post that ID here it will help us locate the diagnostic report and we'll see what is going on.

  • Desentyer
    Community Member


    the ID of my ticket is #HYH-28625-774. I have added besides the diagnostic report the answers for your questions and a little information/detail which could maybe help you.

    Feel free to contact me via forum or email =)


  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Greetings @Desentyer,

    We'll will be in touch soon, thank you for the ticket ID :smile:

    ref: HYH-28625-774

  • yippy3000
    Community Member

    I frequently have the same issue with 1Password 7 and Chrome. Restarting Chrome fixes it for me.

    The behavior is everything seems to be working correctly, the logins I expect are there and no messages about anything, but when I select a password to fill, no fields gets filled out.

    Created ticket #JBL-85135-445 with my diagnostics report.

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Greetings @yippy3000,

    I've located your diagnostic report and we'll be in touch shortly.

    ref: JBL-85135-445

This discussion has been closed.