Why the price is more than 50$

Community Member
edited April 2023 in 1Password 3 – 7 for Mac

I live in Portugal and I use 1 Password since version 3!
Always as a standalone version 3 and upgrade to 4, 5 and 6

I don't want the version with montly payments, I"hate" subscriptions software!!!

I want to upgrade and read on the post "the-1password-7-beta-for-mac-is-lit-and-you-can-be-too" that the price in beta is 39,99$

Download the 1password7 Beta6
Start the app with version 6 instaled and the new version (7) ask for 41,99€

  • Thats more than 51,50$ instead of the price of 39,99$!!!!!!
  • The right conversion is more 32,50€ (19€ less).

1Password Version: 6.8.8
Extension Version: 4.7.0
OS Version: 10.13.4
Sync Type: Dropbox


  • Vitorino
    Community Member

    Her the screen shot

  • Hi @Vitorino,

    The price mentioned in the blog post is in USD and does not include any applicable taxes. If you're subject to VAT/tax that would be added on top.


  • Vitorino
    Community Member

    The last upgrade to 6 was 23,31€! That is almost the price of a new licence!

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @Vitorino - I'm not sure what you're asking here; particularly on the Mac side, we've been pretty generous with upgrades over the past few years. When we released 1Password 4 for Mac, we had nearly a full YEAR of "grandfathering" for those who had purchased 1Password 3 for Mac licenses recently. Since then, both version 5 AND version 6 were free, full-version upgrades, if you had a 1Password 4 for Mac license. A user could theoretically have purchased 1Password 3 for Mac in early 2013, and not have paid us a dime since then, receiving 1Password 4 for Mac, 1Password 5 for Mac and 1Password 6 for Mac for free. 23 Euros and change is not even close to the price of a new license of 1Password for Mac, which is almost 53 Euros, if I'm not mistaken.

    However, if you're frustrated with uneven timing of paid upgrades, our recommendation is indeed a 1password.com membership. It includes all four of our native 1Password apps (for Mac, iOS, Windows and Android) including all future upgrades, as well as redundant, iterative backups, hassle-free syncing and the freedom from having to worry about larger, infrequent license purchase and maintaining licenses for different platforms. I know you said you "hate" subscription software, but I thought I'd mention it since 1) you seem not all that happy with the standalone method of manually managing and paying for upgrades and 2) any software you use over time and keep up to date will have recurring costs, whether that's in the form of less-frequent but costlier license purchases or regular, smaller, more predictable subscription costs.

  • Vitorino
    Community Member

    I'm not frustraded and 1password is one of my favourites apps!
    I only made the transformation of the rate from dollars to Euros and it seems wrong!
    But I Will buy the app that is for sure!!!!

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @Vitorino - thanks for the kind words; I'm glad you like 1Password. :) I think I might have misunderstood what you were saying. Right now, during beta period, a standalone license for 1Password 7 for Mac costs $39.99USD. Once we release the full, non-beta public version of 1Password 7 for Mac, a standalone license will cost $64.95USD. That will be the "regular" price moving forward. If I do the conversion from USD to Euro (and assuming my conversion-rate calculator is correct), I get:

    $39.99USD = 32,54€ (Beta period pricing), and
    $64.95USD = 52,85€ ("Regular" pricing).

    I certainly agree 41,99€ is more than 32,54€ -- and I think that may be due to VAT, as Ben mentioned previously? As the USA does not implement nor use VAT, I'm a little unclear under what circumstances that might apply to you.

  • Dm_z
    Community Member

    I lived in Germany for a while, and all software prices added VAT on top of every listed price. So probably it's EU thing.

  • Vitorino
    Community Member
    edited April 2018

    Yes is VAT 23% extra above listed price!

  • Indeed. I hope that helped clear things up.

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