Where is option to add smart folder and new folder?

Community Member
edited April 2023 in 1Password 3 – 7 for Mac

Smart Folders no longer have monogramming applied to their icon in the source list.
Creating a new Folder now properly selects that Folder in the source list.

OK, I must be blind as a bat but I can't find how to add a smart folder or a new folder. Instructions please.

1Password Version: 1Password 7 Version 7.0.BETA-6 (70000006) AgileBit
Extension Version:
OS Version: 10.13.5 build 1
Sync Type: 1Password subscription


  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Greetings @Dianeoforegon,

    Did my other post not help at all?

  • Dianeoforegon
    Community Member

    Smart Folders no longer have monogramming applied to their icon in the source list.
    Creating a new Folder now properly selects that Folder in the source list.

    OK, I must be blind as a bat but I can't find how to add a smart folder or a new folder. Instructions please.

    1Password Version: 1Password 7 Version 7.0.BETA-6 (70000006) AgileBit
    Extension Version:
    OS Version: 10.13.5 build 1
    Sync Type: 1Password subscription

  • Dianeoforegon
    Community Member

    No, Please post a screen shot.

    BTW, my post showed up twice because of errors when posting. This is not the first time, a post shows on my end that it has not posted then I try sending again only to find the original had posted.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni
    edited April 2018

    @Dianeoforegon - are you using standalone vaults/data, or a 1password.com account? If it's the latter (or you're using a mixture but have a 1password.com account vault selected currently), there is no option for folder, because the 1password.com server doesn't support them. However, if you're standalone-only or currently using a standalone vault, the File menu option should get you where you want to be.

  • Dianeoforegon
    Community Member

    Only using 1Password.com account. Your instructions in Release Notes should specify those features are not available in subscription. I wasted a lot of time today trying to find if it was a bug on my end.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @Dianeoforegon - I'm not quite sure I understand what you're asking for. Which release notes would you like this to be included in? The switching of organizational support from (Smart) Folders to a tag-based system in 1Password for Mac if you're a 1password.com account user isn't a function of the 7.0 beta or of any other release of 1Password for Mac specifically. It's a function of the 1password.com server not supporting folders, and that's been the case since we launched 1password.com accounts a couple of years ago; it's not new.

    We actually did feature a section on nested tags in the 1Password 7 for Mac announcement, but I'm not sure how much added value there would be in including something along the lines of

    If you're switching over your entire setup to a 1password.com account in conjunction with this release, remember Folders are not supported on 1password.com accounts

    ...in every successive 1Password 7 for Mac incremental release notes.

  • Dianeoforegon
    Community Member

    I've been a 1Password users since 2007. When I switched to the subscription, I didn't see anything about what was no longer supported in the subscription.

    Assuming that users see all your announcements is a bad assumption. Really how hard would it be in your Release notes for the beta to mention those features were for standalone vaults only?

  • @Dianeoforegon,

    This isn't new to the beta. Smart Folder and Folders have been unavailable under 1Password.com account based vaults since the beginning of that service in 2015.


  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @Dianeoforegon - thanks for your feedback.

  • dpp
    Community Member

    I'm a subscription user and I just looked for a folder that I used to have and it's gone. Nothing in the help to tell me that folders aren't included in the subscription version. Your Help needs to add the differences between subscription version and standalone version.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @dpp - thanks for your feedback. :)

This discussion has been closed.