credit card cvv code

Community Member
edited April 2023 in 1Password 3 – 7 for Mac

not sure if it's newly introduced thing, but i just noticed that for credit cards, the password strength meter is displayed for the cvv code/"verification number". Since cvv codes are normally 3 or 4 digits, it's displayed as 'terrible'. it's a purely cosmetic thing, but since cvv code is fixed by card issuer, it may not be a good idea to put a password strength meter for the cvv code. it's treated as a password since by default it's hidden as dots in the UI, which is a good idea, but for credit cards maybe it's better to hide the password strength meter for the cvv code?

1Password Version: 7, beta6
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @moiraine_sedai - Thanks for reporting. @defiant is exactly right; this is something we're looking to address in an upcoming release, as certainly 3-numeral CVV codes shouldn't be counted as "passwords" for the purposes of security audit.

  • ondrejfuhrer
    Community Member

    Hello, regarding the credit cards, I also have one observation - the same situation as the one mentioned here is, if I want to save a PIN code there as well. Of course, I don't want it to be publicly visible, but the only way I cat "hide" it is by using a password field, which then says, that I have a terrible password. But it is not something I can actually affect, right :chuffed: So maybe it would make sense to create a PIN field type?

  • Thanks for the reports, folks. I have captured this in our bug tracker as #563.

  • toddZilla0130
    Community Member

    A generic "hidden" field type would be awesome. rn the only choice is "password" but there are lots of other info types (like CCV, credit limits, etc.) that I'd like not to have splatted on the screen by default.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @toddZilla0130 - thanks for the suggestion! There are indeed a few fields for which a case can be made to have an option to make them not-visible.

  • toddZilla0130
    Community Member

    YW! It's been on my mind for a while, then (as others have reported) when my CCV was marked "Terrible" in 1Password 7 beta it was time to speak up :smile: .

  • :+1: :)


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