Safari not working


  • Newbie2
    Community Member

    Help please! After Apple updated my computer this morning my 1Password button no longer works! I have being using the program for years without any problems. I have tried to uninstall to reinstall and it tells me I can't until I remove the 1Password7 application I downloaded about a week ago (don't ask me why!). I moved 1Password7 to trash but I keep getting the same message. What do I do??? Thank you!

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @Newbie2: Just to confirm, you posted in the Mac category, but it sounds like you're trying to use the beta version of 1Password 7. Is that correct? Please see this discussion on how to resolve issues with that:

    If you're having trouble using 1Password 7 in Safari

    I hope this helps. Be sure to let me know if you have any other questions! :)

  • ngocphamm
    Community Member

    @brenty Of course this is a beta product and i expect bugs to exist, but I have tried all of those suggestions in that post and from time to time, Safari form does not get filled, or the Cmd + Option + \ shortcut does not work, at all. Sometimes, switching to another window (non-Safari) and trigger the shortcut (and it works), then switching back to Safari would make it work again. Sometimes it does not fix it.

  • Stephen_C
    Community Member

    See this AgileBits' post, which includes the following:

    Open and fill is not currently implemented in the new Safari extension, it is coming in a future beta release.


  • jhedleyj
    Community Member

    I have discovered that by going directly to the log-in page on the website you want to open e.g., Amazon, and then double-click the log-in in 1P7 then the details are entered and the site opens. Voila!

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    Yep! Now I understand your comments in the other discussion. Thank you! And in case it helps anyone else, using 1Password's ⌘ \ keyboard shortcut on a login page is also incredibly handy. Cheers! :)

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