Both 6 & 7 are running & show in the top[ menu bar of my Mac. Is it safe to delete Ver 6 from finder

Community Member
edited April 2023 in 1Password 3 – 7 for Mac

I purchased Ver 6 last year & just downloaded the Beta of Ver 7. Now both are running & appear in the menu bar at the top of my Mac screen. Should I delete Ver 6 & only go with the Beta or should I wait until the actual version is official?

1Password Version: 7.0 Beta 6
Extension Version: 70000006
OS Version: OSX 10.13.4
Sync Type: iCloud
Referrer: forum-search:Both 6 & & show in the top menu bar on my Mac. Is it safe to delete Ver 6 from Finder/Applications?


  • Stephen_C
    Community Member

    The decision is very much yours—but you shouldn't actually run versions 6 and 7 at the same time. You can fully exit 6 (including its accompanying 1Password mini) by pressing ⌃⌘Q so that it's safe then to run 7. If you want fully to quit 7 in order to run 6 you can do so by pressing ⌃⌥⌘Q (note the commands are slightly different for each version).

    My personal decision was to delete 6 by simply dragging the application to the trash (without using any app cleaner—because they're a bit over-enthusiastic about deleting files you may need to keep).


  • denismonahan
    Community Member

    I purchased Ver 6 last year & just downloaded the Beta of Ver 7. Now both are running & appear in the menu bar at the top of my Mac screen. Should I delete Ver 6 & only go with the Beta or should I wait until the actual version is official?

  • Stephen_C
    Community Member

    I don't think I can do better than my previous answer to your question. :)


  • Kosiko
    Community Member

    I had a similar problem.
    I installed the 1password 7 beta 6. Data transfer went smooth!
    After restarting the mac both 1password helpers (from version 6 AND version 7) started at mac startup.
    I guess this can be improved when installing version 7, that the background process of 1password helper from version 6 gets deleted. Since you say you shouldn't run both, but thats what the installer package does. Well at least it should ask me if I want to kill version 6 startup...


  • onewil
    Community Member

    I have this same issue, wold be nice to have an easy/clear solution on how to stop v6 from booting mini.

  • If you run the latest 1Password 7 beta installer it should clean up 1Password 6 for you.


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