How do I change from Agile Keychain to OPVault in 1PW 7 on Mac and iOS?

Community Member
edited April 2023 in 1Password 3 – 7 for Mac

I'm syncing several computers and devices through Dropbox. Installed iPW 7 on Windows and it successfully converted my vault from Agile Keychain to OPVault. Now, how to I tell Mac and iOS to use the OPVault?

I found a support discussion from 2014 saying that to change the vault in iOS I need to delete and reinstall the app. Is that still true?

And I can't find any way at all to change the vault in macOS.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Stephen_C
    Community Member

    I believe if you already have 1Password 7 on your Mac and iOS devices you'll have no problem with the opvault format.


  • bkendig
    Community Member

    I meant - how do I tell 1PW macOS/iOS to use my newly migrated OPVault instead of my old Agile Keychain?

  • bkendig
    Community Member

    I had to "Reset All 1Password Data" and set it up again, telling it to use the OPVault this time.

  • Thanks for the update, @bkendig. Glad to hear you figured out how to do this.


  • bkendig
    Community Member

    @Ben, just some feedback, though - I found it very difficult to figure out what vault my installation of 1Password is currently using. I'm looking at the Windows version right now, and Settings -> Vaults says "Vaults Included", "On this PC", and "1Password". What's the filesystem path to the vault it's using? Is it using the old Agile Keychain vault or the new OPVault vault?

  • A fair point/question. I’ll pass the feedback along to our Windows team.


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