What is the OS requirement of 1Password 7 for Mac

Community Member
edited April 2023 in 1Password 3 – 7 for Mac

I am on El Capitan with the sole Mac that I have, a 2009 Mac laptop. El Capitan is the last OS to run on it and it won't go further. I am on 1Password 6.8 there.


  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    From this announcement post:

    Welcome to the 1Password 7 for Mac Beta!

    1Password 7 is available to everyone running macOS 10.12 or greater.

    Like your 2009 Mac, my 2007 MacBook Pro and 2009 mini can’t run anything past 10.11.6 so 1Password 6 is also the latest they can run. Time and technology march on, hopefully with Mac and 1Password upgrades in the future. :smile:

  • wkleem
    Community Member
    edited April 2018

    Thanks! Would love to buy one but I keep hearing High Sierra (APFS) is still beta quality software, at least when compared to El Capitan (HFS+).

    There was this glaring bug, although now appears fixed, which I heard could allow anyone to assess their Apple Store prefs by entering a password, any password, irrespective of their actual password.


    "In late November, Apple rolled out a security update for macOS High Sierra that patched a serious vulnerability that allowed admin access to a Mac computer without providing any password."

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    It wouldn't seem unfair to say there are some things to iron out about APFS and it doesn't help that if you're used to having a disk utility that there is a good chance it isn't fully APFS compatible yet. I do have a couple of remarks though, Sierra is compatible with 1Password 7 and doesn't use APFS and I believe, but haven't tried it myself, that you can decline to use APFS when installing High Sierra. On a new Mac that might mean a fresh install of High Sierra right off the bat but it could be possible. I'm sure with a bit more time we'll all be "HFS+, what was that again?" :smile:

  • wkleem
    Community Member
    edited April 2018


    A brand new MAC will jump straight into High Sierra (current OS) without the ability to use an older OS. There is a question of HFS+ based external volumes which now works with High Sierra but that may not be true in the future.

    Apple is keen to convert all drives to APFS eventually.

  • @wkleem,

    I'm not sure that's true, they don't seem keen on converting spinning platter drives, at least at this point.


  • wkleem
    Community Member


    APFS at this point also doesn't work with Apple's Fusion Drives but will be supported in a future version of High Sierra. The articles do not mention a date but presumably before 10.14.x ! Fusion Drives are hard disks coupled with a high speed cache, available in 32GB or 128GB.


    "Apple provided a long list of instructions on how to change back to the HFS+ format before High Sierra became available. Only those who downloaded beta versions of High Sierra had to worry about converting back before the official version was released. Now, with High Sierra available to all, those with Fusion Drives simply will not be updated to APFS until support for the new file system is released in later updates."



  • We’re getting a bit off topic here. :)


  • wkleem
    Community Member
    edited April 2018

    Apologies. Bottom line is that 1Password 7 is compatible with Sierra but my currently Mac incapable of running Sierra and above. Will have to buy a new Mac to run 1Password 7.

  • No worries. :+1: :)


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