1Password mini: CMD SHIFT C copies email address instead of password

Community Member
edited April 2023 in 1Password 3 – 7 for Mac

When using the CMD SHIFT C shortcut on a specific entry in 1Password mini, instead of copying my password it copies my email address. The item in question is a "membership" and the password field ist the first entry (whereas at most other items the password is the second entry).

1Password Version: 7.0 beta 6
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: 10.13.3
Sync Type: 1Password


  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @om3ga777 - If you're using the Membership category, there IS no password field. The Shift-Command-C functionality isn't expected to function there for that reason -- because a password isn't a primary field in that category of records. This isn't a function of the 1Password 7 for Mac beta, by the way -- I haven't tested it myself, but I don't think this would ever have worked, for the stated reason.

  • om3ga777
    Community Member
    edited April 2018

    @Lars Not sure, what you mean ... I can add a password field to a membership item without any problems? And after I have done that, 1P dutifully copies always the second field of that item to the clipboard, when using the CMD SHIFT C shortcut.

    As this is a great function I'd definitely urge you to
    a) not remove it, now that I made you aware of this is "working" in 1Password 7! ;)
    b) change it, so that it copies the first password field (because it's possible to add multiple password fields and I guess 1P would have a hard time knowing which one it should copy, so always make it the first) in a membership item.

  • A password field isn’t part of the Membership category’s template, is the point. It isn’t there by default. We’d have to make keyboard shortcuts aware of customizations to items in order to make this work the way you’ve described. I’m not sure that is something we’re going to be able to take on, but I’ll certainly mention the idea to development.

    Thanks for the feedback. :)


  • om3ga777
    Community Member

    Thanks Ben for clarifying.

    I assumed, the CMD SHIFT C shortcut would be implemented to always copy the 1st password field it finds in the selected item. As this is not the case I'm happy this will be mentioned as idea for improvement! :)

  • Thanks. :)


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