1P7 Beta - Safari extension - /Applications vs. ~/Applications issue?

Community Member
edited April 2023 in 1Password 3 – 7 for Mac

I initially installed using 1Password-7.0.BETA-5 and selected to install for current user only.

Had problems with the Safari extension (I'm guessing because it installs in ~/Applications rather than /Applications)?
Tried 1Password-7.0.BETA-6 and noticed that build does not give a choice as to a 'current user/all users' install, however the extension does now work.

Was there a known issue with /Applications vs. ~/Applications installs - presumably this will be something which will be fixed in later builds?

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Stephen_C
    Community Member

    From this AgileBits' post:

    At present 1Password must be installed to /Applications for the extensions to work. I’m not aware of any way around that.

    There have been many references here on the forum to problems caused by trying to install other than in that location. I seem to recall some AgileBits' post indicating the requirement to install in /Applications was unlikely to change...but I can't quickly put my hands on that post: sorry.


  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni
    edited April 2018

    Hi @Revolution1210,

    The issue you're seeing is a result of sandboxing restrictions and unless my understanding is flawed it will mean all versions of 1Password 7 will display the same behaviour. If you want to use 1Password 7 with Safari it will mean 1Password 7 residing in /Applications/ and not ~/Applications/. If your preferred browsers don't include Safari then 1Password 7 can reside in ~/Applications/ and still work.

    What we'll hopefully do is have 1Password do a bit more to inform the user of this scenario if it applies to their setup.

    ref: apple-525

  • Revolution1210
    Community Member

    @Stephen_C @littlebobbytables thanks for the replies.

    For me it was a case of tracking down the reason the Safari extension wasn't working. Ultimately it shouldn't be a big issue.

  • Thanks for the update @Revolution1210. :)


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