Safari Browser Extension: Clicking on Website in Main Window Does Not Take Me to Website

Community Member
edited April 2023 in 1Password 3 – 7 for Mac

The Problem
In Safari, click on the 1P7 Browser Extension > Type a website name > Click on entry. In 1P6 this used to take me to the website. It doesn’t do anything anymore. Not sure where to start on this.

  • I rebooted
  • The pinned article “If you're having trouble using 1Password 7 in Safari” mentions 1P7 now uses App Extensions. Preferences > Extensions shows I'm on the correct version (Beta 6)
  • Is this a known issue? What do you call this broken feature?

1Password Version: 7.0.BETA-6
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • invalidptr
    Community Member

    @lars Just saw your reply to 1Password won't open a website upon clicking the login Is this the Open and Fill feature?

  • Stephen_C
    Community Member

    @invalidptr I'm not @Lars but, to save him a little time, yes—it is the open and fill feature, so your problem is that known issue (or, rather, something not yet implemented in the betas).


  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    :) :+1:

  • invalidptr
    Community Member

    Thanks for the update and clarification. Missing this feature is painful. Good luck getting it implemented.

  • Thanks @invalidptr ! I believe we're going to have this taken care of soon. Please test it when you see Open & Fill mentioned in the release notes.

  • ejr
    Community Member

    The problem I am seeing is that if Safari is the current App and I hit the shortcut CMD+Shift+\ or the Menu bar icon then 1PW7 Mini will not open. If I switch to another App then it does. What makes it difficult to figure out is that eventually it starts working and I can't figure out what triggers it

  • I wonder if perhaps you have another app running that is also trying to capture the Cmd+Shift+\ keyboard shortcut. Could you please try this with only 1Password and Safari running (also quit any utilities that may be running in the background / have icons in the menu bar)?


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