1Password 7 Copy short cut keybinding (cmd+c) not working for "password" category items

Community Member
edited April 2023 in 1Password 3 – 7 for Mac

Basically, the Cmd+C shortcut doesn't seem to be available with "password" category entries within 1password 7. It works fine with regular login items that have a username, but not password items.

1Password Version: 7 beta
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: 10.12.6
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    Welcome to the forum, @ecnahc515! Did you mean Shift-Command-C? Because Command-C by itself definitely won't work.

    If you meant Shift-Command-C, many of the keyboard shortcuts in 1Password 7 for Mac are still "to be done," since a lot of the behind the scenes work of "wiring" them to the proper commands is quite different now. Hope that helps!

  • DaGreek211
    Community Member

    So far during the beta of 1password 7-beta4 - beta7 I am unable to use the key board to copy out a password for a selected vault.

    In the previous version of 1password 6 I was able to in the main 1password window (not mini) select a row and copy out the password with the keyboard.

    In 1password 7 I can't only copy using the mouse, this makes accessing passwords harder and does not provide a good workflow.

    is this a bug or feature yet to be implemented? Or is there some reason this common type of copy command has been omitted?

    Thanks you,

    1Password Version: 7-beta7
    Extension Version: 7-beta4
    OS Version: OS X 10.13.4
    Sync Type: iCloud

  • Stephen_C
    Community Member

    Please see this AgileBits' post, which includes the following:

    many of the keyboard shortcuts in 1Password 7 for Mac are still "to be done," since a lot of the behind the scenes work of "wiring" them to the proper commands is quite different now.


  • DaGreek211
    Community Member

    @Stephen_C Thank you, I don't mind waiting, just would be disappointed if the feature was never coming back.

  • Merged. Thanks for the feedback. :)


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