Menu Bar Is Unresponsive until Safari Extension is Activated

Community Member
edited April 2023 in 1Password 3 – 7 for Mac

I've found that by using ⌘+\ on a page in Safari sometimes doesn't fill in the password. If I then click on the Menu Bar icon it will highlight but not open. It then becomes unresponsive but if I click on the Safari Extension it opens the Mini windows immediately then if I click back on the Menu Bar it is responsive and typing ⌘+\ immediately fills the login information.

1Password Version: 7.0.BETA-6 (70000006)
Extension Version: 7.0.BETA-6
OS Version: 10.13.4
Sync Type: 1Password Account


  • elDub
    Community Member

    I am experiencing the same issue and just now noticed that clicking on the Toolbar icon seemed to un-stick things when the Menubar icon is stuck in the selected state with no drop-down menu visible.

  • Ben
    edited April 2018

    Hi folks,

    We have been able to reproduce this issue. Hopefully we'll be able to get it fixed up before the 7.0 release.


    ref: apple-608

  • elDub
    Community Member

    Yikes... I hope it is fixed before the actual 7.0 release as well! ;)

  • In speaking with development the code has already been written and hopefully it should be available in the next beta. :)


  • HinghamHarborMan
    Community Member

    Thanks @Ben :)

  • :+1: :)


  • HinghamHarborMan
    Community Member

    I'm having a somewhat similar issue now in Beta 8.

    I cannot reproduce this reliably, but the issue is that when I invoke 1P Mini via ⌘⌥\ it doesn't appear, I then click on the Menu Bar icon, it highlights as though open, but isn't, I then click on another Menu Bar icon, such as Dropbox and then click back on 1P Mini and it opens. After that invoking the Keyboard shortcut will open the 1P Mini box, only to have this issue a little while later. This could be within a matter of seconds (15-30) or be about 30 minutes apart, but it doesn't continue to happen.

  • mcdado
    Community Member
    edited April 2018

    Similar issue on 1Password 7 BETA-8, don't know if it's the same:
    1. open a new tab, with the favorites view
    2. hit ⌥+\ and select a login from the popup

    Expected: the url from that login is visited and filled, optionally submitted according to settings.
    Actual results: nothing happens, the page is not visited.

    The page is visited if the extension is opened by clicking on the toolbar element.

  • HinghamHarborMan
    Community Member

    @mcdado I think you are looking for this thread:

    I also have the Open and Fill issue. This thread is more related to the fact that sometimes 1P mini doesn't show up at all and clicking on the Menu Bar icon, effectively freezes it.

  • Thanks for the update folks. We’ll continue to look into this.


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